Boston Plans Game Day Transportation for White Stadium Events

The Boston Planning and Development Board meeting focused on addressing the transportation and parking plans for upcoming game day events at White Stadium in Franklin Park. With the Boston Unity soccer team partnership, the city aims to minimize traffic congestion, improve pedestrian safety, and ensure efficient traffic management while protecting neighborhood parking. The plan includes a variety of transportation modes, such as public transport, shuttle services, and biking, and introduces a neighborhood-specific Game Day Parking program. Community feedback is being sought to refine the approach and manage the impact on local attractions and residents.

The meeting was attended by various city staff members, including members from the mayor’s office, the Boston transportation department, and Boston Unity soccer partners, along with their transportation consultant, Brian Bisel from Howard Stein Hudson.

Emphasizing community engagement, the meeting sought to prioritize comments from Dorchester residents. The agenda included a project overview, proposed community benefits, and the transportation planning approach. The proposed renovations to White Stadium were discussed, focusing on the provision of new amenities, athletic facilities, sustainable maintenance, and economic benefits to the locality.

The transportation plan for Boston Unity events at White Stadium was a point of discussion. The plan’s goals include mitigating traffic congestion, promoting sustainable transportation choices, and implementing efficient traffic management. Public transportation options, shuttle services, and parking facilities were compared to other large stadiums to provide context for the expected walking distance to White Stadium.

The meeting provided a platform for participants to engage with officials and express concerns. The Boston Parks department representative clarified that the parking regulations were intended to manage parking within the park, not to restrict park access. A state representative was present to listen to community feedback on the traffic plans.

The proposed parking regulations and enforcement plans for game days were detailed, including a new event fee violation for parking on game days and the installation of tow zone and no stopping signs. A dedicated enforcement shift from the Boston Transportation Department (BTD) would be activated, with towing if necessary. Soccer game attendees would be directed to offsite parking, while parking would still be available for park destinations such as the zoo and golf course. Park Rangers and Boston Police Department officers would enforce the regulations, with game day traffic ambassadors supporting them.

Residents raised concerns about the impact of game day parking on park attractions and events. Questions about distinguishing between zoo visitors and game attendees, eligibility for Resident Parking Permits for out-of-city residents, and the impact of parking restrictions on daily activities were discussed. The officials expressed a willingness to consider alternative suggestions and acknowledged the ongoing nature of discussions to refine the plan.

The presentation on parking regulations revealed that restrictions would be in effect four hours before a game and last for an hour after. A dedicated enforcement shift would be brought on by BTD, with towing activated if necessary. Soccer game attendees would not be allowed to park in the Franklin Park Lots, but parking for key park destinations would be retained. Park Rangers and BPD officers would be the primary enforcers, supported by game day traffic ambassadors. Free Boston Unity soccer shuttles from MBTA stations would be available on game days.

The meeting discussed the Safety Surge program, designed to improve pedestrian safety through the installation of speed humps on neighborhood streets. The board also proposed bike valet parking services and satellite parking facilities for White Stadium events. The creation of a Game Day Parking program for residents and their visitors would allow exemptions from parking restrictions on game days with permits and placards. Plans for traffic operations managers at key intersections and shuttle routes were also revealed, with the intention to engage with the community on operational coordination.

The transportation plan for the Roxbury neighborhood, with a focus on minimizing impacts on the community surrounding Franklin Park, was discussed. Upcoming design workshops and a meeting on May 15th were announced for further engagement. Anie Moreno from the mayor’s office policy team and Brian Beasley from Howard Stein Hudson shared updates on the transportation plan, which was developed based on public feedback and city initiatives.

During the public comment period, concerns about the frequency and volume of shuttles, pedestrian and bike safety, and the overall experience of park visitors were raised. Alternative drop-off points to reduce congestion and improve safety were suggested. The potential environmental impacts and the need for a clear governance structure for the shuttle operations were also discussed.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Michelle Wu
Planning Board Officials:
Priscilla Rojas, Kate Bennett, Dr. Theodore C. Landsmark, Raheem Shepard

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