Boston Public Facilities Commission Approves Affordable Housing Development in Roxbury

The Boston Public Facilities Commission meeting focused on significant land conveyances, highlighted by the approval of a project to transform a vacant parcel in Roxbury into affordable housing. Other land conveyances in Dorchester and Roslindale were also approved, intended for community use and open space.

The commission approved the conveyance of a vacant parcel on Harrison Avenue in Roxbury to the Boston Planning and Development Agency for $1. This land is part of a larger site, identified as Parcel 8, slated for redevelopment into affordable housing and open space. The project, spearheaded by the developers Urbanica and the NHP Foundation under the name Nuba LLC, aims to construct 109 new affordable housing units. The development will include 45 condominium units, 32 of which are designated as affordable, and 64 affordable rental units. Additionally, it will feature 2,100 square feet of retail space and a public open space. The project has completed the necessary reviews and received zoning board approval.

In Dorchester, the commission approved the sale of a vacant parcel on Robey Street to the 994 Robey Street Condominium Trust for $45,000. This land will be used for off-street parking and open space for the adjoining condominium, with an open space deed restriction applied. The sale marks the return of a vacant property to productive use after 35 years.

The commission also approved the conveyance of a parcel on Mount Calvary Road in Roslindale to Kenneth Terry and Lisa Terry for $26,000. The land, surrounded by private property and without street frontage, is deemed to have marginal value and will be used as open space to complement the Terry residence.

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