Bridgewater-Raritan School Board Discusses Full-Day Kindergarten, Certification Goals, and Student Achievements

The Bridgewater-Raritan School Board meeting centered around the advocacy for full-day kindergarten, the pursuit of board certification, and the district’s recent accomplishments, including the expansion of various educational programs.

A significant part of the discussion focused on the ongoing advocacy for full-day kindergarten. One board member highlighted the challenges in securing funding for this initiative, noting, “One of the biggest hangups is the funding.” Despite the existing language in the policy manual supporting full-day kindergarten, skepticism was expressed about the effectiveness of a resolution from the School Board Association, given past state-level efforts had not succeeded. The member emphasized that the advocacy should focus on the overall well-being of students rather than dictating resource allocation for other districts.

During the session, the board also acknowledged John P. Hudak, a community resident and World War II veteran who recently passed away at the age of 98. Condolences were extended to his family, recognizing his contributions to the community.

Another focal point was the board’s goal of achieving certification. A member mentioned the need for three more credits to reach this goal and proposed potential paths forward, including a team-building activity and a self-evaluation session. The timeline for these activities was discussed, with a self-evaluation planned for the last week of October and a review at the November 12 meeting. The importance of fitting these activities into the board’s schedule was emphasized, with upcoming meeting dates highlighted.

The need for sufficient attendance at board meetings was also addressed. It was confirmed that seven members, along with the superintendent, are required for certification activities. The board discussed the feasibility of scheduling additional meetings, with a proposal to gauge availability for an October 1 meeting.

Superintendent Robert Beers provided updates on preparations for the upcoming school year. The first day for faculty was noted as September 3, with students returning on September 4. Approximately 10,000 students are expected to return, with ongoing events such as open houses and orientations for new students. Beers emphasized the importance of recognizing both the district’s progress and areas needing improvement, framing the discussion in the context of the district’s goals and the importance of maintaining high expectations following the pandemic.

During the meeting, there was emphasis on maintaining high expectations for students both academically and behaviorally. The leadership team is focusing on a “we versus me” mindset to promote collaboration among staff and students. The district goals and professional expectations were reiterated, stressing the importance of support structures for those facing challenges.

The meeting also celebrated various district accomplishments. The music program was recognized as one of the best in New Jersey for seven consecutive years. The district achieved a silver award for Advanced Placement (AP) performance, and the athletics department received accolades, notably the baseball team winning the state championship. The administration expressed pride in providing diverse co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities for all students, especially at the middle and high school levels.

A renewed focus on student achievement was discussed, with updates on English as a Second Language (ESL) services now available in all schools. The percentage of students exiting the program after scoring sufficiently on assessments has risen, signaling success. The expansion of gifted and talented services is another priority, with cluster grouping introduced for younger grades and increased identification for honors and Advanced Placement classes.

In character education, a consistent program has been implemented across grades K-5, while a ninth-grade transition program has been created to assist students moving from middle to high school. Professional development has been provided to staff regarding sheltered instruction strategies to assist multilingual learners.

The meeting acknowledged the implementation of new initiatives, including career concentrations in cybersecurity and the introduction of robotics and engineering courses at the high school. The middle school program has been realigned to improve coordination with high school offerings. The music program has expanded with a tutorial period, and a new math program is being implemented for grades K-5.

Concerns were raised regarding the 2023 referendum, particularly around ongoing construction and its impact on school operations. There was a tour of facilities to assess progress. The completion of essential upgrades, such as power upgrades for HVAC systems, was noted, alongside the successful paving and marking of the senior parking lot.

The administration emphasized the ongoing effort to create a cell phone-free learning environment across all school levels, citing research on the negative impact of cell phones in educational settings. All elementary and middle schools are operating under this policy, and the high school is working to enforce similar standards during instructional time. The need for collective responsibility among staff regarding student behavior and adherence to these policies was emphasized.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Robert Beers
School Board Officials:
Emily Calistri, Stacey Friedlander, Rebecca Hassouna, A. J. Joshi, Lanfang “Lucy” Li, Michael Pepe, Steven Singer, BARRY WALKER (BOE President), JENNIFER LOUGHRAN (BOE Vice President)

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