Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School Board Updates Policies on Student Absences, Discipline, and Library Materials

The Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School Board convened to discuss significant policy updates, including changes to student attendance, discipline, and library materials to align with recent legislative updates.

The most notable discussion centered around Policy 503 on student attendance. Dr. Chris Belmont introduced the revisions, which were prompted by changes in Minnesota statute 120A.22. The policy now allows parents or guardians to apply for a child to be excused from attendance, a shift from the previous requirement of daily calls for excused absences. Additionally, the policy now includes legitimate exceptions such as field trips and extracurricular activities. A board member raised concerns about the removal of the term “active duty” in relation to excused absences for students who enlist in the military at 18, but Dr. Belmont confirmed that the term had been reinstated in the policy. The board also discussed the reordering of sections within the policy to ensure clarity and consistency, with a commitment to improving the formatting of future documents.

The board also focused on Policy 506 regarding student discipline, presented by Dr. Belmont. This policy has undergone frequent revisions due to evolving state statutes over the past two years. The Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) provided recommendations to clarify prone restraint and statutory definitions, outlining the responsibilities of principals, teachers, and other school personnel, including school resource officers. A point raised was about unscheduled student removals from class. Legal advice suggested that while the statute around student removal should be referenced, school boards should refrain from formally adopting policy language until further clarity is provided by the legislature.

Policy 512, concerning school-sponsored student publications and activities, was presented by the director of communications, who highlighted updates reflective of changes in state law aimed at protecting student speech. The policy emphasizes the importance of guidance on journalism and professional standards from media advisors and teachers, with the activities director and middle school principals expressing comfort with the proposed changes.

Another topic was the updates to the library materials policy, combining previous guidelines into a single, comprehensive policy. The revisions aimed to align with legislative requirements, particularly concerning the definitions and roles of library media specialists in the reconsideration and selection processes for library materials. The statute now requires school districts to report challenges to library materials to the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), a new mandate. The director of curriculum, instruction, and assessment noted that there had been no districtwide reconsideration challenges during their tenure, although individual requests for reconsideration had been received.

The board also discussed updates to Policy 601 on the school district’s achievement and curriculum goals. While many goals remained unchanged, such as all students graduating and achieving college and career readiness, important updates related to state legislation were noted. The discussion confirmed that Minnesota comprehensive assessments would not be the sole measure of individual student progress but would be used for systemwide evaluations.

Updates on credit for learning, specifically addressing the post-secondary enrollment options (PSEO) program, were also presented. Legislative changes necessitated updates to the notification timeline for students participating in PSEO, emphasizing the importance of providing multiple opportunities for students to notify the district about their participation. The board discussed the implications of these changes, noting that failure to notify by specific deadlines would limit students’ options.

Finally, the board addressed changes to online learning options, noting updates to the policy regarding supplemental online courses. The new addition to the policy states that if students wish to engage in additional online courses beyond what is covered by reimbursement, they may incur additional tuition costs. The board deliberated on the implications for families and students, particularly since the district had previously not allowed students to exceed the credit reimbursement limits. The potential for future tuition agreements was acknowledged, referencing existing processes used for special education that could be adapted for this scenario.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Theresa Battle
School Board Officials:
Abigail Alt, Lesley Chester, Antoinette Conner (Treasurer), Scott Hume, Eric Miller (Chair), Safio Mursal, Anna Werb (Vice Chair), Sarah Olsen-Dickhausen (Exec Admin Assistant)

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