Chatham Approves Grant for New Adult Supportive Day Program
- Meeting Overview:
In a recent Chatham Select Board meeting, a significant grant award to establish an adult supportive day program at the Chatham Center for Active Living was a primary focus. The grant, totaling $273,600, is poised to offer a new avenue of support for adults with special needs, particularly benefiting dementia patients and their caregivers. The board’s discussions touched on various concerns regarding the program’s implementation, including the potential displacement of current programs and the transition of Chatham residents from a similar program in Orleans.
The board’s review of the grant proposal was comprehensive, with questions addressing the start date, the program’s potential impact on existing services, and the outreach necessary for current users of the similar program in Orleans. The director of community services, Leah Lacrosse, assured the board that efforts would be made to minimize disruptions and that thorough planning would ensure the program’s smooth introduction. Despite concerns raised by one member about the feasibility of accommodating an additional 15 people with special needs and the impact on dementia patients due to environmental changes, the consensus among board members leaned towards acceptance. The board recognized the significance of the grant and the expertise of those involved in securing it, ultimately supporting the program’s advancement.
In addition to the discussions about the adult supportive day program, the board approved the third annual fireworks event at Veterans Field on July 2, 2024. The event, hosted by the Chatham Athletic Association, is set to include children’s activities, live music, and a fireworks display. The approval was granted following a brief discussion on event logistics and programming.
The meeting also included updates on the town’s water supply from Rob Failey, the Director of Public Works. He provided detailed information regarding well maintenance, pumping levels, and regulatory compliance. Wells 10 and 11, the temporary treatment at well five, and the redevelopment of well four were all covered without major objections or debates.
Seasonal closures of specific areas for shellfish harvesting were another point of discussion. The board implemented closures for Mill Creek, Champlain Creek, Taylor’s Pond, and Oyster Pond to protect shellfish populations. These closures, intended to ensure regulatory compliance, were read aloud and unanimously approved by the board.
Public participation was minimal, with the notable exception of a community member’s concern about the transparency and accuracy of meeting minutes. They emphasized the need for minutes to reflect what was actually said during meetings.
The meeting ended with a member of the public questioning the missing documents related to the adult supportive day program grant, such as the application, award letter, and memorandums of understanding with Orleans. The concern revolved around the program’s feasibility and the financial repercussions if it didn’t proceed as planned. Despite these concerns, the board remained confident in the proposed program’s potential benefits and voted to move forward with accepting the grant funds.
Jill R. Goldsmith
City Council Officials:
Cory J. Metters, Michael Schell, Jeffrey S. Dykens, Shareen Davis, Dean P. Nicastro, Shanna Nealy (Executive Secretary)
Meeting Type:
City Council
Meeting Date:
Recording Published:
68 Minutes
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