Coral Gables City Commission Delays Zoning Code Amendments

In a recent City Commission meeting, members voted to defer a decision on proposed text amendments to the City of Coral Gables official zoning code, which focus on enhancing the quality of the city’s Mediterranean design. The amendments in question aim to require a conceptual design review, remove duplicative criteria, and include additional Mediterranean building examples, among other changes. The deferral was decided upon due to the absence of two board members and the commission’s preference for all members to be present to discuss such a significant legislative item.

The meeting opened with the determination of a temporary chair due to the absence of the designated chair and vice chair. After the temporary chair was appointed, the commission’s first substantive action was to address the zoning code amendments. Despite initial motions to proceed, board members expressed a desire to wait for the full board to be present for a discussion, as the missing members had previously raised questions about the amendments.

Public input was a significant consideration in the deferral decision. Community members who attended the meeting were given the opportunity to express their preference on whether to proceed with the presentation and discussion in the absence of the full board. The attendees unanimously preferred to have the presentation and their comments heard when all board members could be present, reflecting a shared interest in a full, informed debate on the matter.

The board agreed to defer the item to the next meeting, which was scheduled for August 14th. It was also decided that the meeting would be re-noticed.

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