- NJ
- Camden County
- 06/11/2024
- 64 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Camden School Board has taken steps towards the redevelopment of East Side High School, with plans for a new state-of-the-art facility, a temporary relocation during construction, and a determined focus on community involvement. The future of East Side High School was the focal point of the meeting, as attendees were presented with comprehensive plans for its construction and the temporary transition space for students and staff.
- NJ
- Camden County
- 6/10/24
- 06/10/2024
- 87 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Gloucester Town Council recently convened to discuss several issues, with a debate over the sale of a property on Landing Road and the approval of park improvements being at the forefront. The sale of the property to Ferelli Real Estate Holdings LLC was met with public concern over potential environmental impacts and misrepresentation of the property’s status, while the unanimous support for park enhancements marked a positive direction for community development.
- NJ
- Camden County
- 6/10/24
- 06/11/2024
- 11 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent session, Voorhees Town Council approved several bond ordinances during their recent council meeting on June 10th, 2024. These ordinances authorize substantial investments in township infrastructure, including property acquisition, improvements to township buildings, roads, sewer systems, and the purchase of new vehicles and equipment.
- NJ
- Camden County
- 6/5/24
- 06/10/2024
- 35 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent gathering, the Winslow School Board dedicated a portion of their meeting to honor the service of student representative TAA Doyle, addressing her contributions to educational opportunity and communication within the school community. The board also navigated through topics including the planning of an event named “juneth,” staff retention data, and the scheduling of a retreat aimed at evaluating the superintendent’s performance.
- NJ
- Camden County
- 6/4/24
- 06/05/2024
- 10 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: At the recent Cherry Hill School Board meeting, two main issues dominated public comments: school security and the financial implications of preschool expansion. Residents expressed concern over the perceived lack of progress in addressing security vulnerabilities within the district, drawing parallels to the Parkland, Florida school shooting and critiquing the allocation of funds. Additionally, apprehensions were voiced regarding the tax levy increase and the cost of the preschool expansion, with skepticism over the distribution of state aid and its sufficiency in covering the program’s expenses.