- FL
- Bay County
- 11/19/24
- 11/19/2024
- 21 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Parker City Council held a meeting on November 19, 2024, during which they approved a amendment to the city’s comprehensive plan, permitting specific manufacturing activities in a commercial land use district. The decision came after a public hearing where concerns were expressed about potential impacts on city streets and groundwater. The council also approved a variance request for a pole barn construction at 4705 E6 Street.
- FL
- Bay County
- 11/12/24
- 11/12/2024
- 16 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Lynn Haven Community Redevelopment Agency met to discuss several sidewalk construction projects, approving the lowest bid for construction despite facing a budget shortfall.
- FL
- Bay County
- 11/12/24
- 11/12/2024
- 67 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Lynn Haven City Commission held a meeting where they decided to remove speed bumps from the Mt. Highlands neighborhood, following community feedback about the bumps’ impact on daily life. This decision was part of a broader agenda that addressed various local issues, including upcoming ordinances and community events.
- FL
- Bay County
- 11/8/24
- 11/08/2024
- 154 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent Lynn Haven City Commission meeting, attention was given to discussions on speed bumps in Mode Highlands and stormwater management fees.
- FL
- Bay County
- 10/22/24
- 10/22/2024
- 88 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: During the recent Lynn Haven City Commission meeting, residents voiced their strong opposition to the existing speed bumps in the MO Highlands area, citing concerns over their impact on vehicle maintenance and lack of procedural adherence. The public commentary session was dominated by discussions on the speed bumps, with residents urging the commission to consider alternative traffic calming measures. The meeting also addressed other topics, such as community events, stormwater management, and a development order amendment for a local auto business.