- FL
- Polk County
- 2/12/24
- 02/12/2024
- 92 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: During the recent Winter Haven City Commission meeting, topics such as land development, environmental remediation, and infrastructure improvements took precedence. The commission approved an ordinance to assign commercial Highway C3 zoning District to an annex parcel, discussed the potential amendment of the city’s comprehensive plan, and addressed concerns over fluoride in the city’s water supply. Moreover, the meeting also touched on the replacement of a lift station and the designation of a Brownfield area for environmental cleanup and economic development.
- FL
- Polk County
- 2/7/24
- 02/07/2024
- 63 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent Winter Haven City Commission meeting, members scrutinized a sizeable amendment to the developers’ agreement for lift station 115 and discussed enforcement of affordable housing commitments in the Carlton at Lake Dexter development. The meeting also delved into the city’s transportation master plan, environmental issues, and the annexation of a property on Cypress Gardens Boulevard.
- FL
- Polk County
- 2/6/24
- 02/06/2024
- 29 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a update to the Winter Haven zoning regulations, the Winter Haven Planning Board has approved amendments to the city’s code of ordinances to allow pharmacies and medical marijuana dispensing facilities as accessory uses in the mixed-use (MX) zoning district. This change comes alongside other approved requests, including updates to standards related to fences, walls, berms, and hedges, as well as the assignment of future land use and zoning to an annexed parcel.