- FL
- Polk County
- 4/8/24
- 04/08/2024
- 59 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent Winter Haven City Commission meeting, the most significant action taken was the approval of the First Amendment to the developer’s agreement for Dudney Plaza LLC. This amendment alters the time frames for redevelopment, providing Dudney Plaza LLC with roughly one year to receive site plan approval and to begin development.
- FL
- Polk County
- 4/3/24
- 04/03/2024
- 61 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Winter Haven City Commission recently conducted a meeting where multiple topics were discussed, with the proposed expansion of the land lease agreement with Blue Line Aviation being one of the most newsworthy. The meeting also highlighted the launch of a marketing campaign for the Ship program, discussions on affordable housing initiatives, updates on city development projects, and revisions to procurement policies.
- FL
- Polk County
- 4/2/24
- 04/02/2024
- 39 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent Winter Haven Planning Board meeting, the board approved the establishment of a medical marijuana dispensing facility in the downtown commercial district and a jazz club that will also raise funds for an animal rescue. Additionally, the board discussed a variety of subjects ranging from zoning requests to drainage issues and amendments to the comprehensive plan related to sewer systems.
- FL
- Polk County
- 3/25/24
- 03/25/2024
- 125 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Winter Haven City Commission meeting was marked by significant deliberations on the potential acquisition of the historic Ritz Theater, alongside discussions on child abuse prevention, water conservation, and litigation against a Florida law on financial disclosures. The commission also approved several ordinances related to zoning and land use, highlighting a focus on affordable housing and the ongoing development within the city.
- FL
- Polk County
- 3/20/24
- 03/20/2024
- 131 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Winter Haven City Commission is deliberating the future of the historic Ritz Theater, facing a decision on whether to acquire and manage the property, which presents both opportunities for community engagement and financial challenges. The theater, requiring significant investment for maintenance and operations, has been a cultural staple since the city partnered with it in 2004, but now risks foreclosure if the commission declines to take over.