Deerfield Select Board Tackles Infrastructure and Budget Challenges

In a recent meeting, the Deerfield Select Board tackled a range of topics, including the condemnation and cleanup of a property on Still Water Road, budget considerations surrounding Tree House Brewing Company’s expansion, road repair funding, and the approval of emergency repairs for the 1821 building. The board also debated over key infrastructure projects like the $23 million Bridge Project and the Bloody Brook Culvert repairs, while planning for the town’s fiscal stability and community development.

One notable issues addressed by the board was the condemnation of a property on Still Water Road due to environmental concerns. The health agent proposed seeking a receivership agreement to bring the property up to compliance without cost to the town. The board approved the condemnation and the pursuit of the receivership agreement, despite concerns about potential environmental liabilities. The health agent assured the board that the process would be properly overseen and that additional funding would be sought from the finance committee if necessary.

Another topic was the discussion surrounding Tree House Brewing Company. The compliance manager for the company updated the board on plans for large-scale events, including coordination with security and construction for increased occupancy. The board postponed the discussion to a later meeting. Also, the health agent proposed a 20% increase in revenue from food truck usage by the brewery, which the board deemed reasonable in light of the company’s expansion.

The board also grappled with fiscal challenges, discussing the potential shortfall of $4,500 by year-end due to the hours worked by inspection personnel. They considered covering the deficit through budget lines and a reserve fund transfer request. Additionally, the board discussed the safety around bus stops, traffic flow changes in the town center, and the alignment of the Lil lot crosswalk plan with the town common plan.

In terms of infrastructure, the board addressed the paving and grinding of Hawks Road, with cost estimates varying widely. They emphasized the need for more detailed cost and funding source information. The allocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds was also discussed, particularly the need to have the funds under contract by December. The possibility of using ARPA funds for emergency road repairs was considered, with a meeting scheduled to further discuss this allocation.

Emergency repairs for the 1821 building, specifically the stabilization of the balcony and the roof, were approved. Although bids from contractors were higher than originally estimated, the board decided to move forward with the project.

The board delved into the topic of a geothermal exchange field feasibility study, voting in favor of authorizing the chair to sign a grant.

Budget changes were also on the agenda, with the board voting in favor of reducing one employee’s hours in the treasurer collector’s office from 40 to 35 per week, aiming for a budget reduction of $5,799. The implications for succession planning and staffing were deliberated.

Regarding the MVP Grant for work on the Bloody Brook culvert, the board debated funding allocations. Concerns were raised about the availability of funds and the prioritization of essential projects. Some members highlighted the importance of addressing related flooding issues and the benefits of securing the grant. Additionally, the need for engineering and research funding for the Stillwater Bridge rights of way and easement work was discussed.

The $23 million Bridge Project was acknowledged as fully funded by the town, except for prep, legal work, and appraisals. The board recognized the need for approved plans and discussed additional funding for surveys and appraisals. The necessity of starting the project was underscored, with concerns about potential delays.

The meeting also included the approval of amendments to continue the employment of police department members, the abatement of sewer charges for a property owner, the approval of a one-day liquor license for a private wedding, and the adoption of revised energy reduction plans that include Frontier Regional School into the Baseline for green communities program.

Staffing changes were another point of discussion. The board accepted the resignation of the Wastewater Operator and noted that a trainee was already lined up as a replacement. They also highlighted the need to reorganize the Department of Public Works following a key staff member’s retirement and planned to schedule meetings for restructuring.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Town Administrator:
Kayce Warren
City Council Officials:
Carolyn Shores Ness, Trevor D. McDaniel, Tim Hilchey, Christopher Nolan (Assistant Town Administrator), Patricia Kroll (Administrative Assistant), Christopher Dunne (Planning & Economic Development Coordinator)

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