Easthampton School Committee Approves Stringent Cell Phone Policy Amid Varied Agenda

The Easthampton School Committee meeting addressed a range of topics, with the most notable being the approval of a new cell phone policy for East Hampton High School (EHS), alongside discussions on various handbook updates, financial reports, and the acquisition of environmentally friendly vehicles.

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to the approval of the EHS student handbook, particularly the new cell phone policy, which mandates that students store their cell phones in designated areas during class times. Exceptions can be made by teachers when necessary for lesson objectives, and students have the option to store their phones in lockers or the main office. The policy explicitly prohibits students from keeping their phones on their person or in their bags during class, although supervised breaks are allowed at the teacher’s discretion.

Concerns were raised about emergencies and the accessibility of cell phones in critical situations. It was assured that phones would not be withheld for the entire day, but collected at the beginning of each class and returned afterward. This ensures that while students cannot use their phones during instructional time, they still have access to them between classes and during lunch. There were remarks indicating that some students might initially react negatively to surrendering their phones, but it was suggested the policy might ultimately help students learn to manage their device usage responsibly. Committee members expressed optimism that this structure would reduce distractions and benefit both students and teachers.

The conversation also included updates to the EHS handbook, such as the introduction of the Handle With Care program, a collaboration with the East Hampton Police Department aimed at notifying the school about students who may need extra support due to situations faced outside of school. Another notable addition was the BRIGHT program, designed to aid students returning to school after prolonged absences or struggling with the demands of the school day. This program, staffed by a clinical coordinator and an academic coordinator, involves referrals made by the student support team, with hopes of expanding this initiative to the Middle School in the future.

Attention then turned to handbook approvals for Mountain View School and the district as a whole. A narrative shared about a kindergarten bus ride initiative highlighted the benefits of easing students into the transition of riding the bus for school. The Mountain View handbook featured the formation of a discipline committee to address parent concerns about understanding school discipline procedures. This committee included administrators from both the high school and Mountain View School and resulted in an added document emphasizing respectful, responsible, and safe behavior. This document was developed with input from the equity committee to clarify expectations for parents and provide additional resources.

One member inquired specifically about the cell phone policy at Mountain View, noting that elementary students were not allowed to have cell phones or smartwatches, while high school students faced restrictions during testing periods. The discussion also included a request to incorporate language about the Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) in the handbooks for better parent engagement.

Another discussion point was the Chromebook policy, addressing the issue of lost or unreturned devices, with a reported loss of over $110,000 in Chromebooks. A new policy was introduced requiring students to return their assigned Chromebooks and chargers by a specified date, with a stipulation that students would be charged for unreturned items. The policy would now require a signature page to confirm students had read and understood the handbook and Chromebook usage policy.

The committee also dedicated time to discussing the acquisition of environmentally friendly vehicles, aligning with the city’s climate action plan and a recently passed ordinance by the city council. The committee expressed gratitude for a state rebate of $7,500 for this purpose. The vehicle purchase from Marot Ford included a complimentary charger, with only the cost of installation remaining, handled by an electrician. This initiative was met with enthusiasm, as one member humorously noted their newfound interest in driving one of the vehicles.

In terms of financial updates, the summer food service program concluded on August 16, with expectations of sharing results at the upcoming September meeting. Participation in the program had increased from the previous year due to meals being served in an air-conditioned building and the accessibility for students participating in summer programming at Mountain View.

The meeting also covered the end-of-year financial report preparation, with a commitment from one member to meet the September 30 deadline. Additionally, the personnel report for July noted the hire of a new custodian at Mountain View and the separation of four paraprofessionals, alongside one transfer to a data coordinator position. The policy subcommittee was set to review the computer use policy, and the finance subcommittee was scheduled to meet after the completion of the financial report.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.

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