Foley School Board Approves Online Ticketing System and Explores New Cell Phone Policy

The Foley School Board meeting saw notable decisions and discussions, including the approval of an online ticketing system, a new cell phone policy, and updates to student handbooks and staff contracts.

The board approved the implementation of GoFan, an online ticketing system designed to streamline ticket sales and event access. The system integrates with the district’s scheduling platform and aims to simplify the ticketing process while reducing cash handling and enhancing financial oversight. The adoption of GoFan aligns with the broader practices of the Minnesota State High School League, which will use the system for state tournaments. Several schools in the conference have already transitioned to GoFan, and its use is expected to aid fundraising efforts, including for projects like the weight room.

The pricing structure for tickets was a part of the discussion. Gate fees will increase to $7 for adults and $5 for students, with the $1 GoFan fee absorbed to encourage online sales and maintain consistent pricing. Cash will still be accepted at the door during the transition period. The existing policy allowing free entry for seniors aged 65 and over remains unchanged. The board expressed the importance of accommodating both online and traditional ticket purchasing methods during the transition and highlighted the benefits of the new system, such as reduced cash handling, streamlined financial reporting, and easier access for patrons using mobile devices or computers.

The meeting also focused on cell phone policies, driven by feedback from teachers and research indicating that cell phones distract students from learning. Proposed changes to the student handbook aim to limit cell phone use during class hours while allowing them in hallways and during lunch. The board discussed the negative impacts of cell phone use on academic performance and mental health, including increased anxiety and stress related to social media interactions. A consensus emerged among board members about the need to create a more conducive learning environment by restricting cell phone use.

The board recognized the importance of communicating these changes effectively to families. Plans include using social media and direct letters to inform parents about the new policies, with an emphasis on supporting teachers in managing classroom environments. Concerns about safety and the ability to contact children during emergencies were addressed, noting that parents should avoid calling cell phones in crisis situations to keep communication lines open for emergency services.

In addition to cell phones, the board considered updates to the student handbook regarding attendance, dress and appearance policies, and graduation requirements. Changes included allowing hats in school to reflect legislative changes permitting certain head coverings for ethnic and religious reasons. Attendance policies were tightened, with a proposed framework requiring medical documentation for absences beyond ten days. The board discussed the potential for using a planning room to address behavioral issues before resorting to detention.

Child nutrition policies were also updated. The board reinforced the policy that students bringing food from home must pay for milk and emphasized the importance of adhering to state guidelines for adult meal charges. Notifications about account balances were discussed to ensure parents stay informed.

The meeting included a review of staff contracts, with significant adjustments for the Community Education staff. The board approved a 3% wage increase and additional benefits for the coordinator of school age care, wraparound care supervisor, Community Education coordinator, and assistant director of child nutrition. These adjustments aimed to ensure competitive compensation and align benefits with other positions in the district.

The board also discussed policies under consideration, including those addressing complaints, the order of meetings, and technology use. A notable discussion emerged regarding policy 2032, which deals with the order of regular school board meetings. A member expressed a desire to reinstate an open forum for citizens to address the board at both the beginning and end of meetings, emphasizing the importance of transparency and communication.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Dr. Trish Perry
School Board Officials:
Nathan Anderson, Stephanie Rudnitski (Vice-Chairperson), Sharon Kipka (Clerk), Becky Howard, Ken Anderson, Patric Lewandowski (Treasurer), Wayne Wilson

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