Fort Lee School Board Elects New President and Vice President Amidst Community Concerns

In a recent Fort Lee School Board meeting, Kristen Richter was elected as the new Board President and Holly Morell as Vice President. The meeting also addressed community issues, including concerns about communication within the school district and the introduction of new special needs programs.

The election of new leadership was a focal point of the meeting. Kristen Richter received the majority of votes to become the new President of the Fort Lee School Board, while Holly Morell was elected Vice President. The board emphasized the importance of collaboration and effective decision-making for the benefit of students and the community.

Community input was an aspect of the meeting, with several residents expressing concerns and suggestions. A resident voiced dissatisfaction with the handling of communication by school secretaries, citing an incident where a call was dropped and a message was not returned, leading to frustration among parents. The individual called for improved professionalism and responsiveness from school staff, urging the superintendent to address these issues.

In another community-related discussion, representatives from the Special Education Parent Advisory Group (CPAC) highlighted the success of their recent meeting, which saw a large turnout of new parents. They announced an upcoming session on SSI and Medicaid for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, scheduled to take place via Zoom. Additionally, they noted the introduction of special needs classes in the fall recreation schedule and encouraged families to participate and share ideas for after-school activities.

The board also approved a consent agenda covering a range of reorganization motions, including the adoption of the School Code of Ethics. Members took turns reading the ethics guidelines aloud.

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