Fort Myers Beach Council Focuses on Mooring Field Budget and Operations

The Fort Myers Beach Town Council, in its latest meeting, tackled several issues with the most newsworthy being the financial and operational aspects of the mooring field. The council engaged in a discussion about the mooring field budget, the marketing strategy, and the potential involvement of a third-party operator.

Captain Curtis Lewig, the new Harbor Master, introduced himself to the council, bringing to the table his extensive maritime background. Council members welcomed him and looked forward to his contributions to the town’s maritime operations.

The budget for the mooring field sparked a debate among council members. The council scrutinized the budget’s alignment with the goal of achieving revenue neutrality. They acknowledged the need for a clearer understanding of both operational and capital expenses to make informed decisions.

Questions were raised about the accuracy and detail of financial information, particularly in assessing normal revenue against the backdrop of past disruptions. The council stressed the importance of managing expenses according to revenue to avoid deficits. Optimism was expressed regarding future revenue and occupancy rates of the mooring field, with the belief that it should be able to cover operational costs and contribute to capital expenses.

The council also delved into the marketing strategy for the mooring field, considering the use of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. A proposal was put forth to create a welcome kit for boaters, which could include a rack card with essential information. The members discussed the importance of effectively communicating the value of maritime operations to residents and visitors.

The idea of producing a video featuring the new Harbor Master and the mooring field was met with interest from the council. The video’s goal would be to inform and engage the community, with suggestions for both shorter clips focusing on different town departments and longer videos that might include frequently asked questions about the mooring fields.

The council proposed to update the town’s strategic action plan to reflect current goals and staff changes. There was also an issue with six mooring balls restricted by the Coast Guard due to their proximity to the federal channel. The council expressed concerns about the lack of coordination between the US Army Corps and the US Coast Guard. There was a call for reopening communication with the Army Corps to resolve the issue and the council requested the identification numbers of the restricted mooring balls for further investigation.

The discussion turned to the possibility of involving a third-party operator for both the mooring field and the Upland facilities. While some members showed interest in this approach, others felt it was premature to discuss it. The potential benefits of partnering with a third party, such as improved maintenance and synergy for boaters and the town, were highlighted. However, the council decided to remove the item from the agenda for the time being.

The council addressed the Upland facility’s future, noting that it was premature to discuss it in depth without further updates. The idea of replacing the mooring field item on the agenda with the Upland facility discussion was floated.

The meeting also touched on engaging with Lee County and deferring to the Harbor Master and the Harbor Advisory Committee on matters such as the ferry system and a potential water taxi to supplement the mooring field. The council expressed interest in hearing from the principals of the water taxi entity. Additionally, concerns were raised about overcrowding at the dinghy dock.

A change in the meeting schedule was discussed to accommodate members’ work schedules, with the decision to move meetings to the fourth Monday of every month. The next meeting was set for June 24th, with discussions about potentially taking July and August off and the capabilities for conducting remote meetings.

The budget allocations for the Anchorage advisory committee were also reviewed, particularly the $5,000 budget item for the committee. The council debated whether to maintain this budget, with one member advocating for its retention. The council discussed the annual Cruisers Appreciation Day event, usually held the week after Easter, and the suggestion to skip one month of meetings, with July proposed as the skip month.

The council bid farewell to a resigning committee member, thanking them for their service and indicating the need to seek a replacement. The agenda for the next meeting was set, with an emphasis on discussing the strategic action plan and asking committee members to make notes on items they wish to discuss.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Dan Allers
City Council Officials:
Jim Atterholt, John R. King, Scott Safford, Karen Woodson

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