Fort Myers Beach Town Council Declares Local Emergency Amid Impending Tropical Cyclone
- Meeting Overview:
The Fort Myers Beach Town Council convened on September 23rd to address several matters, including the declaration of a local emergency in anticipation of Tropical Cyclone 9, adjustments to zoning ordinances, and budget approvals for fiscal year 2024-2025.
One of the most discussions of the night was the declaration of a local emergency due to the impending Tropical Cyclone 9. The town manager elaborated on the preparations being made and reassured the community that town staff were ready. He emphasized ongoing communication and coordination with Lee County Emergency Management and noted the unique considerations for a barrier island. The fire chief echoed these sentiments, advising residents to review their hurricane plans and prioritize life safety over property concerns. He confirmed that efforts would shift to allowing residents back onto the island as soon as it was safe.
In addition to emergency preparations, the council approved several significant zoning exceptions and amendments. A special exception was granted for the repair of a retaining wall at 6500 and 6502 Estero Boulevard, which had been damaged during Hurricane Ian. Represented by John Sikman from Stokes Marine, the applicant emphasized that the repairs would not alter the existing structure. The council approved the proposal unanimously.
The Lan Kai Resort on Estero Boulevard also received approval for a special exception to rebuild various structures, including decks, beach bars, and walkways, to their pre-storm condition. Jason Smy from the planning and zoning department presented the request, noting that the proposal covered approximately 8,000 square feet and had historical precedent. Concerns were raised about the compliance with FEMA regulations, but it was clarified that the structures were designed to be non-habitable and would likely break apart under severe weather conditions. The proposal moved forward with a motion to approve.
In a separate matter, the council discussed a new Commercial Plan Development (CPD) for a fire station. The proposal involved dividing the site into two parts: a larger section for the fire station and a smaller portion intended for future sale and development. Greg Stewart, representing the Fort Myers Beach Fire Control District, confirmed that the application aimed to reduce the intensity of use compared to a previous CPD. The council expressed appreciation for the modifications to limit the rear property’s uses and unanimously approved the proposal.
The council also focused on the fiscal year fee schedule and millage rate. The millage rate was set at 0.99 mills, maintaining consistency with the previous fiscal year despite the financial impacts of Hurricane Ian. The finance director presented modifications to the mooring field rates and other fee increases, primarily reflecting a 3% increase across various licenses and permits. The council approved the final fee schedule and the millage rate unanimously.
Budget adjustments were another significant topic. The town manager presented changes since the first budget hearing, noting technical adjustments and a reclassification of beach nourishment expenses. A $1 million reduction in grant funding for the Bay Oaks Recreational Campus Redevelopment was also disclosed. The council discussed the lack of prioritized capital projects due to pending FEMA funding determinations and acknowledged the importance of addressing stormwater management needs. The final budget for fiscal year 2024-2025 was approved unanimously.
The town manager proposed using the code enforcement office to issue notices of violation and emphasized fairness by acknowledging the town’s own use of trailers. An independent magistrate would hear cases from businesses contesting the removals.
The council also approved a contract for the purchase of the 7-Eleven property on Estero Boulevard, conducted environmental assessments, and finalized a $7 million investment. Various other ordinances were discussed, including the immobilization of illegally parked vehicles and public camping regulations.
Finally, the council recognized the significance of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month and encouraged staff to wear pink in support of the cause.
Dan Allers
City Council Officials:
Jim Atterholt, John R. King, Scott Safford, Karen Woodson
Meeting Type:
City Council
Meeting Date:
Recording Published:
206 Minutes
Notability Score:
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