Franklin Committee Tackles Open Space Budget and Maintenance Concerns

The Franklin Open Space Advisory Committee recently held a meeting where the primary focus was the financial management and maintenance of the town’s open spaces. An in-depth analysis of the open space trust fund budget was conducted, revealing a discrepancy between the revenue collected and the costs associated with maintaining open space properties. Members examined tax revenue collected from 2016 to 2024, which totaled $50,823,000, with salary charges accounting for 6.94% of this revenue. The maintenance costs were noted to far exceed the funds allocated to the open space trust.

The committee discussed the significant expenses incurred in acquiring open space properties, such as the recent $10 million purchase of the Consolata property and a $1.5 million acquisition of the Farm Credit East property. With a new park development on the horizon, concerns were raised about the potential increase in maintenance expenses and the overall sustainability of the current financial approach to open space management.

During the meeting, members also engaged in a debate over the labor costs for maintaining parks and open spaces and their potential impact on the tax rate. The committee recognized the fixed nature of labor costs and the challenges of budgeting for maintenance, which can be affected by variable factors like weather conditions. Despite these challenges, the committee acknowledged the necessity of approving the budget.

The committee addressed the scoping hearing for the Dun Version project, which aims to divert two acres around the Dun House for eventual sale. The importance of historic preservation and the upcoming public comment period were highlighted. Additionally, the need for 4:1 mitigation and identifying potential property options for preservation were discussed, emphasizing the goal of preserving tree canopies.

The maintenance of privately owned historic houses was another topic of concern, with discussions focusing on the need for interior preservation during restoration or renovation efforts. The restoration of a house on Route 27 at Raymond Road was specifically mentioned, with the committee emphasizing the importance of maintaining the property’s exterior integrity while modernizing its historic features.

The committee also debated the utilization of open space trust fund monies for the township’s budget amidst increased healthcare costs for employees and a detailed breakdown of the historical allocation of salaries from the trust fund for Department of Public Works (DPW) workers. The discrepancy between the budgeted amount and the actual salaries was noted, and the committee contemplated the impact of these financial decisions on the trust fund.

Additionally, the committee had a discussion on the maintenance and improvement of trails, including the pathways and trails plan, seeking comments before finalization. The establishment of trails on the former Stola property off Route 518 and the enhancement of the Silver Maple Trail and the bridge across the canal by Little Valley Ranch were topics of conversation.

An Eagle Scout project at Bunker Hill was praised for its additional efforts, and the potential for a rail-to-trail project was explored. The committee also discussed the completion of a prescribed burn at the John Clyde Memorial Native Grasslands Preserve and expressed the intent to conduct additional burns at other locations.

In terms of community engagement, the committee discussed a potential “Cash for Trash” program to incentivize community cleanups, with eligibility extending to various groups including historical societies, gardening clubs, and a private school. The committee planned to promote the initiative through newsletters, websites, and social media.

The committee also mentioned upcoming events and activities organized by the Trails Committee, such as trail runs, hikes, and cleanups. Furthermore, the committee addressed the departure of a staff member from the Recreation Department and discussed the ongoing process to fill the vacant position.

During public comments, issues such as the placement and type of benches in grasslands were raised, with the committee explaining the decision-making process and the option for individuals to donate benches. Concerns about the status of a leased property, its use for farming, and the preservation of trees were also discussed.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Phillip Kramer
Open Space Commission Officials:

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