Franklin Environmental Commission Reviews Varied Development Projects Amid Concerns
- Meeting Overview:
The recent Franklin Environmental Commission meeting covered a broad spectrum of development applications, each presenting its own set of challenges and concerns for the community and environment. Top of the agenda were discussions surrounding the proposed development of a Dollar General store, several cannabis cultivation applications, a significant solar farm project, and the subdivision of a large tract of land.
The proposed Dollar General store’s development application sparked debate due to the need for variances related to parking and landscape requirements. Commission members were particularly concerned about the environmental impact, with stormwater management and the selection of plant species being the focal points. The store would necessitate breaking up the parking lot to enable better absorption of stormwater, an essential feature to prevent flooding. Moreover, the choice of Spiraea japonica, an invasive plant species, was contested. The commission agreed to seek native alternative species that would not disrupt the local ecosystem.
The potential economic impact of the store was also a concern, as members discussed the effect on local businesses and the proliferation of similar retail stores in the area. This led to a conversation about the need for a more diverse range of retail options to support a thriving local economy.
Applications from K2 Properties LLC and Irvin H Green for the development of a single-family home and a cannabis cultivation business, respectively, were also points of contention. The commission criticized the insufficiently detailed site plans provided; in the case of the K2 Properties application, the clarity of the site plan was so poor that meaningful comments were impossible. For Irvin H Green’s application, concerns about environmental impact and the use of generators for power were brought up. Similarly, Garden State Harvest LLC’s application for a cannabis cultivation and manufacturing facility in a former school building raised questions about generator use and the effect on nearby residential areas. There was also a focus on the technicality of merging three lots to conform to lot size requirements.
Another application discussed was from Gloucester Solar 1 LLC for a solar project on a 262-acre property. The project sought a use variance and waivers for the installation of security fencing and sidewalks. While safety and theft were cited as reasons for the fence, the commission debated the necessity in a commercial or industrial district. The landscaping plan, which proposed the planting of evergreen trees and street trees to buffer the property, was reviewed with concerns noted about heat island effects, noise emissions, light intrusion, and glare from the solar panels.
In addressing these concerns, the commission reviewed their previous comments and considered the impact of the landscaping on mitigating these potential issues, including the use of native and naturalized seed mixes and pollinator-friendly plants.
The commission also revisited the proposed subdivision of a property at Kill Road and Tuckahoe Road, which was to be divided into three lots. Despite it being a by-right subdivision requiring no variances, the commission was worried about the presence of wetlands and the clearing of trees in the wetland buffer. The need for a Pinelands certificate and the property’s exemption status due to historical agricultural use were also topics of discussion.
The commission’s meeting also touched on administrative and procedural matters. The appointments of new members and liaisons included the reappointment of Jeff Link and the appointment of Bill Petravich and Mark Fiorella as alternates. Frank Kohute was appointed as the Planning Board liaison despite not attending meetings for a year, which drew criticism from some commission members. Giovanni Cavone, who had not attended meetings for two years, was reappointed as the first alternate. Jon Stippick was nominated as the chairperson for 2024, Suzanne McCarthy as vice chairperson, while the secretary position remained open.
In terms of community engagement, the commission debated the management of the Piney Hollow preservation Trail improvements and discussed the possibility of reviewing the bid for the project before it was released. The upcoming township committee vote on authorizing the solicitation of bids was highlighted, and the commission planned their next steps for commenting on the various projects reviewed.
The commission also considered sending out applications to members directly, the lack of updates on grants for Mal Lake Park, and the utilization of the park’s nature trail. Additionally, the potential projects for 2022, such as replacing trail markers and organizing cleanup events, were debated.
The meeting concluded with discussions on the involvement of student members, confirming meeting dates for the year, and membership dues. The budget was scrutinized with a motion passed to join the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC) for 2024. The meeting ended with the approval of the 2023 annual report to be forwarded to the Township Committee and a brief conversation about lighting plans for a retail building, sidewalk considerations, and the impact on impermeable surfaces.
Jake Bruno
Environmental Commission Officials:
Jason Brandt, Giovanni Cavone, Evan Duerr, Margaret Duerr, Mark Fiorella (Township Committee Liaison #1), Jonathan Keen (Township Committee Liaison #2), Frank Kohute, Jeffrey Link, Suzanne McCarthy, William Petravich, Jon Stippick
Meeting Type:
Environmental Commission
Meeting Date:
Recording Published:
126 Minutes
Notability Score:
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