Franklin Lakes Launches ‘FLPS Express’, Targets Increased Engagement

In a bid to enhance parental engagement, the Franklin Lakes Board of Education introduced “FLPS Express”, a redesigned platform offering easily digestible news and updates from the district. The Superintendent, Gregorio Maceri, presented this and other developments during the board’s recent meeting.

“FLPS Express”, a revamp of the “School News & Views”, has been positively received since its Monday release, garnering 661 views, primarily from mobile devices. The Superintendent noted that the average reading time of six minutes signified the content length was appropriate. This initiative will be released as frequently as feasible, with a quarterly release set as the minimum goal. Complementing this effort, a new Instagram account has been created to highlight school PTA updates and student activities.

Beyond digital engagement, the Superintendent’s report highlighted several school events. The past week was observed as the “Week of Respect”, featuring activities that emphasized character education, community participation, and self-respect. Schools engaged in school spirit days, wore pajamas, and participated in outdoor events like writing messages in chalk. This was described as the “Franklin Lakes way”, emphasizing the principles of being responsible, respectful, and safe. A memorable event was the recent Frost Valley trip for the sixth grade, which was greatly enjoyed by students and parents.

Moreover, the Superintendent provided an update on enrollment, with the district’s total standing at 1,213 students, consistent with previous years. Among the schools, High Mountain Road School’s numbers were noteworthy, with 40 out of its 296 students being part of the preschool program.

The board also revisited the code of ethics for its members, emphasizing the importance of confidentiality and decision-making in the students’ best interest. Members were reminded to maintain decorum during meetings and to clarify that their social media posts reflect personal opinions, not the board’s stance.

On the horizon, a virtual forum is scheduled for October 26th, and a special meeting is set for October 30th to discuss the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment results for ELA, math, and science.

The meeting wrapped up with a commendation for the board president, who recently became an executive committee member of the Bergen County Board of Education. The board then opted not to proceed with a private work session and adjourned.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.

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