Freetown Conservation Commission Discusses Land Donation and Wetlands Compliance Issues

At the recent Freetown Conservation Commission meeting, discussion centered around a potential land donation at zero Richmond Road and ongoing concerns about compliance with wetlands regulations on various properties.

20:16The potential donation of land at zero Richmond Road emerged as a focal point of the meeting. The property, owned by the Richmond family for approximately 300 years, is under a conservation restriction and borders an existing conservation area. The family seeks a suitable recipient for this 20-acre parcel, which includes a small island and connects to the Ice House lot already owned by the commission. While the land’s conservation status prohibits development, it allows for hiking trails and the maintenance of walking paths. This potential addition to the commission’s conservation holdings was met with interest, although the commission emphasized the need to review the relevant documents, including the conservation restriction and deed, to ensure a clear understanding of the land’s legal standing and permissible uses.

0:00The meeting also addressed several compliance issues related to wetlands regulations. At 16 Boxberry Lane, the commission expressed concerns over a proposed new residential house and its associated impacts on the 100-foot buffer and flood zones. The commission highlighted past dissatisfaction with the applicant’s actions, noting that work had commenced without securing proper approvals. This led to the issuance of a cease and desist order until further review could be conducted. The matter was continued to December 9 for additional input from the agent.

20:16Another discussion involved a proposed subdivision on Walnut Street. While the subdivision plans remained consistent with previous approvals, the commission noted that necessary comments from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) were missing. This oversight prompted a decision to continue the public hearing to December 9.

37:35Additionally, compliance issues were raised regarding properties at Janice Marie Way and Chase Road. The commission reviewed the status of these properties, with a particular focus on ensuring adherence to directives issued by the water department. A motion was made to approve permits for certain properties while deferring action on others pending further verification.

0:00The meeting also featured discussions on other development projects. A request for a certificate of compliance was approved for a property on Copicut Road, following confirmation that the wetland replication area met the necessary standards. Similarly, certificates of compliance were issued for a property on South Main Street and Thomas Set Way, where a solar array had been installed.

20:16In another instance, the commission considered a notice of intent for a garage on Walnut Street. The proposed garage, slightly closer than the preferred 50 feet from the wetlands boundary, prompted the commission to recommend approval of the project with the condition of establishing a 10-foot no-touch buffer zone.

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