Gloucester Town Council Discusses Potential Sale of Sewer Division Amidst Public Concerns

The Gloucester Town Council meeting focused on several issues, including the proposed sale of the township’s sewer division to American Water, public concerns about transparency and communication within the council, and community engagement through initiatives like the Citizen Police Academy.

At the forefront of the meeting was the discussion regarding the proposed sale of the township’s sewer division to American Water. Donna Leonardis from Jarvis Road raised questions about the special meeting agenda for August 8, emphasizing that the agreement of sale is in its final form but contingent on a November referendum. Leonardis sought clarity on the language within the agreement that would protect the township if the referendum fails. A council member responded that if the referendum does not pass, the agreement would not be signed, and there would be no requirement for the township to compensate American Water if the sale does not occur. Leonardis also questioned the timing of entering into an agreement before the referendum results, to which it was confirmed that no agreement was signed prior to the vote.

Trish Parker of Melrose Avenue referenced a statement from a council member regarding the sale process timeline. The council member assured that if the referendum does not pass, the agreement would not be executed, although a new procurement process might be initiated in the future.

David Leader from Huntington Avenue presented several queries during the public comment portion, including extending the second public portion from 30 to 60 minutes and how the public could be informed about press releases and announcements. Responses included the use of Nixle, the township’s website, social media platforms, and the mayor’s weekly newsletter. Leader also inquired about a working meeting for public input on the sewer utility draft agreement but was informed that the second reading on August 8, which included three hours of public comments, already addressed this.

Leader further questioned the funding for a barbecue event honoring veterans and the absence of the mayor and the director of the sewer division at the recent public meeting discussing the sale. It was explained that the mayor, having recused himself from matters related to the potential sale, typically does not attend council meetings. The director’s absence was justified as their presence was not deemed necessary for the discussion.

Additionally, public comments highlighted issues of communication and support within the township. Concerns were raised about the management’s failure to address requests from Mr. Calabri, a shop steward for the union representing employees within the sewer division. A speaker emphasized that ignoring an employee’s request is poor managerial practice, especially for someone representing fellow workers. The council member noted the separation between legislative and administrative functions and suggested ensuring that management follows through with employee concerns.

Mary Kendricks, a resident, questioned the qualifications of a recent hire for the Municipal Utilities Authority (MUA) and criticized the council for not adequately addressing community needs. She urged for more community engagement and criticized the perceived lack of active participation from council members in community service. A council member responded by stating that all council members are committed to the community and participate in various initiatives, even if not always visible.

The meeting also celebrated community engagement through the Citizen Police Academy. Chief Harkin of the Gloucester Township Police Department presented a segment highlighting the contributions of volunteers and the recent graduation of the Citizens Police Academy. Two new volunteers, Deborah Vos and Angela Oberholzer, were sworn in, with their families present. Chief Harkin encouraged community members to participate in the 14-week program, which includes topics such as traffic management and the K9 unit. Lieutenant Paul Fischer also acknowledged the contributions of officers and instructors involved in the program.

Lastly, concerns about identity theft and human trafficking were voiced by a member of the public, who described their struggles with mental health and frustrations with local authorities’ handling of their case. The individual accused the authorities of mishandling their case and withholding vital information. Chief Parkins acknowledged the contributions of volunteers and expressed gratitude for the recent National Night Out event, where community engagement was emphasized. He also mentioned that two local officers deployed with the New Jersey Army National Guard had been under attack while stationed in Syria and urged the community to keep them in their prayers.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Dayl Baile
City Council Officials:
George Berglund, James “Bowie” Johnson, Nancy Randolph Baus, Robert J. Page, Derek Timm, Ed Cilurso

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