- NJ
- Somerset County
- 2/8/24
- 02/08/2024
- 119 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent meeting, the Bernardsville Planning Board focused on the comprehensive review of AR Bern LLC’s redevelopment proposal for the Palmer Square site, which includes 68 residential units and approximately 9,200 square feet of commercial space. The board also addressed public concerns regarding meeting formats and the lack of opportunity for public commentary. Additionally, the board elected a new vice-chair and welcomed a new member, Joe DeMarco.
- NJ
- Somerset County
- 2/8/24
- 03/19/2024
- 147 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Bernardsville Planning Board recently convened to discuss a development project proposed by AR at Bernardsville LLC, which seeks to transform a designated area in need of redevelopment. The redevelopment plan presented by the applicant’s representative includes 68 residential units and approximately 9,200 square feet of commercial space, intended to revitalize the site with modern amenities and pedestrian-friendly spaces.
- NJ
- Somerset County
- 2/5/24
- 10/01/2024
- 141 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent meeting of the Bernardsville Planning Board, discussions centered around the format of future meetings and the approval of a proposed subdivision plan that could impact the town’s development landscape. Preferences for in-person meetings were debated, and a new single-family home proposal was approved, highlighting development trends in Bernardsville.
- NJ
- Somerset County
- 2/5/24
- 03/19/2024
- 141 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent Bernardsville Planning Board meeting, members determined the format for future meetings and deliberated over a proposal for the construction of a single-family house. The board resolved to conduct in-person meetings with the flexibility to switch to virtual formats if necessary. Additionally, the board addressed several applications, including approving the creation of a new lot for the construction of a single-family home, which raised discussions on the impact on neighborhood character and environmental compliance.
- NJ
- Somerset County
- 1/25/24
- 01/25/2024
- 253 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Bernardsville Planning Board recently approved a municipally sponsored affordable housing project. The meeting witnessed discussions on a range of topics, including the development’s amended preliminary and final site plans, parking regulations for affordable housing, and amendments to the building’s design to ensure compliance with fire safety recommendations.