- FL
- Pinellas County
- 3/21/24
- 03/21/2024
- 161 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The recent Dunedin City Commission meeting centered around a notable move to enhance city connectivity through a broadband internet fiber project, with discussions on funding and approval for engineering and design services leading the agenda. The commission approved a contract with McKim Creed Inc. for the engineering and design work of the ARPA broadband internet fiber projects 2, 3, and 4, earmarking $393,100 for the design phase and an overall project budget of $2.6 million. The broadband project aims to provide free public Wi-Fi access in underserved areas, improving security and connectivity throughout the city.
- FL
- Pinellas County
- 3/19/24
- 03/19/2024
- 94 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a stride towards sustainability, the new Dunedin City Hall has been awarded a Green Globe certification, reflecting its energy-efficient design and environmentally friendly features. This achievement took center stage at a recent Dunedin City Commission meeting, where the commission also tackled substantial fiscal and community-related topics, including the amendment of the city’s operating and capital budget for the fiscal year 2024 and the deliberation on the upcoming citizen survey.
- FL
- Pinellas County
- 3/7/24
- 03/07/2024
- 117 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: During a recent Dunedin City Commission meeting, the impending closure of the local Coca-Cola plant emerged as a concern among citizens and city officials, sparking discussions on the future use of the property and its impact on the community. Alongside these talks, the Commission also approved a resolution to adopt the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework for cybersecurity, following a recent cyber attack on the city’s systems.
- FL
- Pinellas County
- 3/5/24
- 03/05/2024
- 186 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In an effort to tackle infrastructure and environmental concerns, the Dunedin City Commission has reached a consensus on a rate increase to fund essential stormwater projects amidst discussions of the city’s vulnerability to sea level rise. The meeting also highlighted the approval of a public art project aimed at celebrating diversity and honoring local historical figures.
- FL
- Pinellas County
- 2/22/24
- 02/22/2024
- 53 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In an effort to preserve the city’s cultural heritage, the Dunedin City Commission, in its February 22nd meeting, designated the Pee’s home as a local Historic Landmark. Additionally, the Commission approved a new electric utility franchise agreement with Duke Energy, which promises enhanced solar initiatives and improvements in service reliability.