- MA
- Bristol County
- 12/11/24
- 12/12/2024
- 55 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Fall River Planning Board, during its recent meeting, approved the Bronson Street Extension project with specific conditions aimed at ensuring safety and responsibility for future residents. The board’s decision included requirements for street lighting at key intersections and confirmation from the fire department regarding emergency vehicle access. Additionally, the board addressed concerns about the maintenance of the private roadway and the potential burden on the city.
- MA
- Bristol County
- 11/13/24
- 11/14/2024
- 21 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Fall River Planning Board unanimously approved a revised petition for a two-family dwelling on Baker Street, following a prior rejection of a four-family proposal. This decision highlights the board’s responsiveness to community concerns about zoning and infrastructure.
- MA
- Bristol County
- 10/9/24
- 10/10/2024
- 42 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Fall River Planning Board’s latest meeting focused on significant zoning changes aimed at addressing the city’s housing shortage. A proposal to expand the Housing Development Zone (HD1) overlay district was discussed in detail, with the potential to repurpose existing mills for residential use. This expansion, covering approximately 70 acres, is intended to facilitate the creation of more than 300 housing units, leveraging federal and state tax credits to offset rehabilitation costs.
- MA
- Bristol County
- 8/14/24
- 08/15/2024
- 52 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Fall River Planning Board meeting on August 14th saw the rejection of several subdivision plans due to inadequate documentation and concerns over zoning compliance, while also addressing an encroachment issue and discussing the status of the Adams House and a memorial for Jean Baptiste Leage.
- MA
- Bristol County
- 7/10/24
- 07/11/2024
- 14 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent session, Fall River Planning Board recommended the acceptance of Draper Street, extending from Globe Mill Avenue to Atlantic Boulevard. The recommendation was made with a detailed memo outlining estimated maintenance costs of $50,000 for existing utilities, despite the street and its infrastructure being in notably good condition.