Hampden Debates Senior Center Costs, School Maintenance Bills

The Hampden Board of Selectmen’s meeting brought forth issues concerning the community’s infrastructure and fiscal responsibility. The meeting’s primary focus was the debate over the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District maintenance costs and the reconsideration of the senior center building committee’s reorganization and cost reduction plans.

The discussion on the school district’s maintenance costs centered on a $4,900 bill that had been received unexpectedly. This bill had come after the board had previously decided not to fund any repairs for the upcoming fiscal year. The surprise bill prompted a debate among the members, as some felt uninformed about the repairs, while others suggested the work might have been scheduled prior to the decision. The discussion revealed no consensus on whether to pay the bill and highlighted differing views on the board regarding handling such maintenance costs.

Concurrently, the senior center building committee’s reorganization was under scrutiny as the board aimed to incorporate feedback from the town meeting to address concerns about the project’s affordability. The members debated the necessity of the senior center and the project’s scope, with some reservations about cost and scope. The board also delved into potential funding sources and the allocation of funds for the building or renovation, analyzing the scope of services for the proposal, which included programmatic reductions and potential changes to the building’s layout.

The board also tackled vacancies, expressing a need to fill several positions including those in the Highway and Cemetery Commission, and roles for Clerk, Utility Clerk, and Facilities Manager. The lack of activity in the Cemetery department led to discussions on hiring an administrative assistant. Additionally, there were openings in the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission, with one member stepping down immediately and another completing a project before departure. The Ambulance Oversight Committee also had two vacancies to address.

On the topic of municipal projects, updates were provided on the completion of an EV charging station and plans for a fire station generator. The replacement of library windows and a building assessment for the town building were also discussed. There were concerns about a dead tree, a hot water tank issue, and the renewal of the cable TV license. The board debated the work performed by an attorney and the need for deliverables. Issues with a server crashing drive, double poles, and high costs associated with inspections by Fiber Rise were also points of frustration.

The potential overcharging by a company for unperformed work was a concern. The board was dissatisfied with the lack of progress on certain projects and the need for discussions with Verizon regarding excessive charges. Safety issues and potential asbestos removal were primary concerns in the fire station addition discussion. Delays in the delivery of a brush truck and tractor, as well as questions on fund allocation, grants, and capital planning, were also raised.

The scheduling and necessity of a town meeting became a matter of debate, with the board considering the potential date for the fall town meeting and discussing budget adjustments, employee benefits, and issues related to a bridge easement.

The Master Plan Committee’s ongoing work garnered attention, with 126 survey responses contributing to the planning of a second public forum. The board discussed strategies to increase community engagement for the forum, including providing childcare and holding flexible drop-in sessions. A technical issue with the town’s YouTube channel, which impacted community engagement, led to a broader conversation on managing the channel and rectifying past errors. The Conservation Commission hearings were discussed, and inaccuracies in a development application were noted, prompting a proposed dialogue with the Board of Health about water testing and potential environmental impacts.

In a nod to historical preservation, the town of West Windsor, Vermont, offered to return a cannon that originated in Hampden. The board deliberated on accepting the cannon as a historical artifact for the town’s 150th celebration, with consideration of the event’s budget. Additionally, there was a mention of a future discussion about the town building lease and a reminder about an upcoming meeting with the superintendent and assistant superintendent of schools.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Town Administrator:
Robert Markel
City Council Officials:
Donald Davenport, Craig Rivest, John D. Flynn, Lauren McCormick (Administrative Assistant)

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