High Point School Board Faces Community Outcry Over Music Program Staffing Changes

During the recent High Point Regional High School Board of Education meeting held on September 24, 2024, concerns were voiced by community members regarding the future of the school’s music program following the resignation of the assistant band director, Casey Carol. Parents and students alike emphasized the need to fill this vacant position to ensure the program’s success and student development.

John Hartage, a parent and long-time taxpayer, addressed the board, detailing the adverse effects of the unfilled assistant band director position. Hartage’s son, a freshman saxophonist, had transferred to High Point with high hopes for the music program under the current director, James Alaney. He reported that the administration had announced in front of students during concert band class that the assistant band director position would not be filled, a decision influenced by the current student enrollment in the program, which is approximately 55 students. Hartage argued that this decision was short-sighted and detrimental to the program’s growth and sustainability. He highlighted the competitive nature of music education in the region, referencing Sussex Regional’s program, which boasts around 100 students supported by feeder schools.

Hartage pointed out that the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic had led to a decline in music program participation, a trend that was still recovering. He underscored the importance of music education in fostering both academic and personal growth, stating, “The program here at High Point could easily double in a year,” advocating for the allocation of resources to support this potential growth. He likened the situation to a coach being told just before a critical game that they would have to manage without an assistant coach, emphasizing that music education is essential for cognitive development and team-building experiences, especially for students who may not participate in sports.

Gary Mar, president of the High Point Band Parent Association, echoed Hartage’s concerns. Mar, a parent of a junior in the band program, acknowledged the positive influence of the current directors but criticized the decision not to rehire an assistant band director. He emphasized that music programs should not be viewed merely as extracurricular activities but as essential academic disciplines. Mar remarked, “Music programs have attained the unfair stereotype of being seen as extracurricular hobbies instead of serious pursuits,” stressing the need for robust music education to align with students’ aspirations for professional careers in music.

Mar also criticized the Board’s decision-making process, urging members to recognize the disparity between budgetary decisions and their real-world consequences. He warned that combining classes or having one instructor cover multiple courses would dilute the quality of instruction and hinder the development of students passionate about music. He called for a reevaluation of the administration’s approach to funding and supporting the music program.

The concerns were not limited to parents. A student identified as Mar shared testimonies from fellow band members that underscored the challenges faced since the resignation. One senior percussionist remarked that the absence of the assistant director has stunted the growth of the music program, stating, “I was always done teaching myself… now instead of two amazing sources of knowledge, I’m trying to get information out of one teacher who has a workload of two.” Another student testified that the loss of the assistant director’s expertise in brass has forced the band to drop essential components of their program, stating, “What matters is that we had something important to the department and now you don’t.” These students called for the board to prioritize the rehiring of the assistant band director to ensure the survival and advancement of the music program.

Following these public comments, the meeting transitioned to other topics. The HPA representative, President Car, welcomed new board members and reported a notably improved school opening. He attributed this success to administrative efforts in ensuring safety and adherence to new protocols, such as the operation of the media center as an academically restricted area during lunch and the implementation of a smart pass system for better monitoring of student movement. However, challenges remain, particularly with cell phone use in hallways.

The principal, Mr. John, expressed gratitude towards the support staff and highlighted the importance of a strong start to the school year. He acknowledged the efforts of various personnel in setting up successful events, including an informative night for ninth-grade parents and upcoming spirit week activities. A parent university focused on vaping and substance awareness and a college fair featuring numerous institutions were also mentioned as upcoming initiatives.

The meeting also covered other topics such as mental and physical challenges within the school community, the operation of the school food pantry, and recognition of student achievements in athletics. The board moved to approve several extracurricular and financial matters, including a cooperative agreement with W Valley High School for swimming and the baseball team’s attendance at the Florida Coast Spring Training Academy.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
James Andriac
School Board Officials:

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