- NJ
- Camden County
- 05/08/2024
- 31 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: The Collingswood Borough Council recently convened to deliberate on a series of measures, including the introduction of an ordinance to establish non-residential development fees for affordable housing, a capital ordinance for Public Works building renovations, and a new tree ordinance aimed at aligning with state law on private property tree management. The meeting also touched on the importance of community involvement in local initiatives, the acceptance of federal grants for safety, and the development of town facilities.
- NJ
- Camden County
- 5/8/24
- 05/11/2024
- 89 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: Lindenwold Borough Council recently convened to deliberate on a range of issues, from honoring law enforcement to dissecting the municipal budget. The council presented a proclamation for National Police Week 2024, recognizing the dedication of law enforcement officers and acknowledging Officer Tom Malon for his exemplary service both in the community and the military. Concurrently, the council delved into the 2024 municipal budget, highlighting financial challenges such as rising pension obligations and health insurance costs, while also detailing proposed capital projects for the town’s betterment.
- MA
- Norfolk County
- 5/7/24
- 05/21/2024
- 70 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent Brookline School Committee meeting, members of the community and the Brookline Education Foundation came together to celebrate the outstanding contributions of educators within the district. A highlight of the event was the presentation of various awards and grants.
- NJ
- Atlantic County
- 5/7/24
- 05/09/2024
- 96 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a meeting of the Atlantic County Board of Commissioners, discussion centered around the growing concerns over the proposed offshore wind projects. Residents and officials expressed fears regarding the environmental, economic, and social impacts of these developments. The meeting also acknowledged the achievements of the Egg Harbor Township High School Robotics Team and addressed various ordinances, resolutions, and interlocal agreements.
- NJ
- Bergen County
- 5/7/24
- 05/07/2024
- 77 Minutes
- Noteworthy
- Highly Noteworthy
- Routine
Overview: In a recent session, the Emerson Borough Council addressed concerns regarding the municipal budget for 2024, legal spending, and ongoing redevelopment lawsuits. The council’s deliberations on these matters drew attention, as they discussed the potential financial implications of continuing with a lawsuit and questioned whether it would be worth it to settle instead. The public hearing and adoption of the $15.8 million municipal budget for 2024, which includes a tax increase of 2.2 cents per $100 of assessed value, were central to the meeting’s agenda.