Jersey City Zoning Board Approves Community Center in Former Bank Building

The Jersey City Zoning Board meeting on August 6, 2024, saw the approval of a proposal to convert a former bank building into a community center by New City Kids Church, addressing the need for youth programs and community space. The meeting also included discussions on site plan extensions and variances for other properties.

33:29The proposal to transform the old Provident Bank building into a community center was presented by attorney Ronald Shan, who confirmed that the required notices had been adequately served.

David Carman, the associate director of New City Kids, detailed the organization’s mission to empower local youth through educational and recreational programs. Past successes included a 90% college graduation rate among their alumni. The architect, Mike Higgins, described the planned renovations, which included a half-court basketball area, multiple recreation spaces, enhanced accessibility features, and improved drainage and ventilation systems.

50:01Higgins emphasized preserving the historical character of the building, despite the need to meet modern building codes. The plan included a new compliant sign while retaining an engraved stone facade sign for its historical value. The project required several variances, including a D1 use variance for the mezzanine level and a bulk C variance for a slight increase in impervious lot coverage to accommodate new sidewalks and a retaining wall for ADA compliance.

The board and the public were largely supportive of the proposal. One commissioner praised the plan for transforming a vacant property into a community asset, noting its potential to positively impact the neighborhood. Another commissioner highlighted the personal benefits of after-school programs for local youth and immigrants. The motion to approve the application passed unanimously.

0:00Another topic was the discussion on case z2024-13, involving C variances for the reconstruction and expansion of a three-family dwelling on Hancock Avenue, which had suffered fire damage. Attorney James Burke represented the applicant, presenting witnesses including architect Joseph Staro and project manager Colin McArdle. The project aimed to rebuild the structure to meet modern building codes, addressing previous concerns about room sizes and safety by adding a new fire escape.

The proposed work required variances for side yard setbacks, rear yard encroachments, and extensions for the fire escape and stairs. The applicant argued that the project would not increase the building’s footprint or obstruct light and air to adjacent properties. The architect described the materials to be used, such as stucco and siding, and confirmed that the roof would remain flat. Despite some public concerns about noise and debris during construction, the board approved the project, with conditions to mitigate these issues.

The meeting also included the approval of two one-year site plan extensions. Case z2024-30 concerned the property on Berkeley Place, represented by Patel Indo Pat Grocery. Case z2024-42, concerning 88 Highland Avenue, faced delays due to the passing of the project’s architect. Both extensions were granted unanimously.

18:43Additionally, the board addressed a proposal for various bulk C variances related to a building’s fire escape, balcony deck, and stairs. The applicant detailed the need for these variances due to non-conforming side yard setbacks and topographical challenges in the rear yard. Public comments raised concerns about access, noise, and debris during construction. The board imposed conditions to address these issues and approved the variances.

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