Livingston Town Zoning Board Approves Historic Property Renovation

In a recent Livingston Town Zoning Board meeting, members approved a series of property renovation applications, including a sensitive addition to a historically significant home. The approved projects ranged from attic conversions to substantial home expansions, all involving variances due to the unique challenges of the existing lots and structures.

One item at the meeting was the board’s approval of an application to renovate a historic property. The applicant presented plans for a two-story addition. Emphasis was placed on maintaining the character and style of the neighborhood. The proposed expansion included a new powder room and an additional bathroom on the second floor, addressing the outdated infrastructure and accommodating the needs of current and future generations of the family who have long resided in the house. The extensive application process involved a discussion of the requested variances and their potential impact on the community, with the board ultimately greenlighting the project.

Another application involved a property on North Ashbur Avenue, with plans for a first and second-floor addition. The renovations sought to expand the kitchen, add bathrooms, and create additional bedrooms, requiring variances for front and side yard setbacks, as well as habitable floor area ratio. The architect presented the undersized lot as a challenge but assured that the design was in harmony with the neighborhood’s homes. The board and public expressed their support for the renovations, deeming the design appropriate for the community, and the application was approved.

A similar application on Westminster Drive received the board’s nod. The proposed second-floor addition required variances for front and rear yard setbacks, and habitable floor area ratio. The architect explained that the design would enhance the property and fit the lot’s constraints. Public and board members noted the design consideration and anticipated positive neighborhood impact, resulting in the application’s approval.

In a touching moment during the meeting, applicants Pam Summers and Kenneth Kleene sought approval for a two-story rear addition on their corner lot property, which was non-conforming in terms of setbacks. They shared their long-standing residency and deep connection to the area, humorously remarking about being buried in their backyard. The architect provided insights into the proposed addition, with the applicants’ willingness to collaborate with the board leading to a favorable outcome.

A licensed professional engineer presented plans for a second-floor addition to an existing split-level house, with the development not affecting the existing foundation line or setbacks. Despite the lot size being less than half of the zoning minimum, the board was receptive to the need for the addition due to the family’s needs.

Additionally, the meeting covered a proposal for a rear addition and the replacement of a deteriorating garage, with the applicant emphasizing the importance of maintaining the neighborhood’s aesthetic. The board approved the application, recognizing the property owner’s efforts to address neighbor concerns regarding drainage and the safe replacement of the garage.

Priyanka and Karan Sha’s application to convert their attic into living space was also on the agenda. The architect assured that the attic was suitable for habitation and plans to add two bedrooms and a bathroom. With no objections from the board or the public, this application too was approved.

Finally, a proposed change to raise the ceiling over the staircase to the second floor faced scrutiny due to concerns about floor area ratio compliance. The board advised the applicant to revisit the plans and return for further discussion.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Alfred M. Anthony
Zoning Board Officials:
Edward Bier, Laurie Kahn, Ketan Bhuptani, Michael Affrunti, Vineeta Khanna, Kalpesh Kenia, Sherri Marrache, Todd Sherman, Hong Yuan

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