Livingston Zoning Board Approves Key Variances for New Developments Amid Deliberations

The Livingston Town Zoning Board of Adjustment convened to address several applications for variance relief, resulting in approvals for new single-family residences and modifications to existing structures. The session focused on balancing neighborhood aesthetics with zoning requirements, ultimately granting variances that promise to enhance local residential environments.

37:24The most scrutinized application of the meeting involved a proposal for 15 Brookside Place, where the applicant sought variances for a front yard setback and a side yard setback on a uniquely shaped lot. The board examined the layout, which presented challenges due to the lot’s narrow width of 50 feet, compared to the minimum zoning requirement of 75 feet. The proposal included reducing the front yard setback from the existing 28.7 feet to 32 feet, aligning with neighboring properties, and increasing the side yard setback to 10.92 feet. This design aimed to create a visually cohesive environment and improve civic design while maintaining consistency with nearby homes.

0:00The board appreciated the applicant’s efforts to re-proportion the house to fit the neighborhood context, noting the thoughtful changes made to the setbacks. The variance requests were justified under C1 and C2 criteria. The board unanimously approved the application, recognizing the improvements and adherence to design standards.

37:24Another notable application was for a property on Wardell Road, where the applicant pursued a two-story addition and deck, requiring several variances due to existing non-conformities on the undersized lot. Specifically, the front yard setback proposed was 28.75 feet, less than the required 40 feet, and the side yard setback was proposed at 3.21 feet. These variances were largely necessitated by the lot’s smaller size, which created inherent challenges in meeting standard requirements.

The applicant’s architect presented a design that preserved the existing one-car garage while adding a second car garage, maintaining a modest total floor area of 2,681 square feet. Despite the variances, the proposed addition complied with the required yard setbacks, and improvements in stormwater management were highlighted as part of the project. The planner reinforced that even with the variances, the proposal fit within the maximum permitted habitable floor area, offering only a 5.98% relief.

Board members questioned the design’s impact on neighboring properties, particularly regarding the proximity of a brook and other structures. Clarifications were provided to resolve any confusion in the renderings, confirming no adjacent house would be affected. The board commended the application for its attention to detail and the consideration given to stormwater management, approving the variances with appreciation for the thorough planning process.

0:00In addition to these major applications, the board also deliberated on the proposal for a property on Melrose Drive by Square Group Realty LLC. This application sought variances for a front yard setback and habitable floor area ratio to construct a new single-family home. The plan intended to demolish an existing structure and introduce a colonial-style house with a porch and improved stormwater management.

The applicant’s architect and planner outlined the design, which included a garage, living spaces, and multiple bedrooms, keeping the building height well under the allowed maximum. The board engaged in discussions regarding the design’s alignment with neighborhood aesthetics and the impacts of the requested variances. Ultimately, the board unanimously approved the application, acknowledging that the proposal met the criteria for the requested variances.

17:59Similarly, another application for a property on West Cedar Street involved variances for rear yard setbacks and habitable floor area ratio for a new home. The board examined the colonial-style design, which featured modern accents and a proposed floor area of 3,220 square feet. Discussions centered on the potential enclosure of a deck, leading to a condition prohibiting such an enclosure. The application received board approval, subject to ensuring the deck remained unenclosed.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.

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