Middleborough School Committee Approves Pre-K Tuition Hike

In a recent Middleborough School Committee meeting, members approved an increase in the pre-K tuition rate at the Memorial Early Childhood Center and discussed the accreditation of Middleborough High School by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). The meeting also saw the farewell of a long-serving committee member, the approval of a new superintendent’s contract, and various other administrative decisions.

The most pressing topic at the meeting was the proposed increase in the pre-K tuition rate. The Director of the Memorial Early Childhood Center, Jennifer Healey, presented the current tuition rate and proposed a gradual increase from the existing rate to $13 for the upcoming school year, and further to $15 for the following year. This change aims to address the financial impact of the fallout from COVID-19 and to maintain competitiveness with surrounding towns. Members discussed the potential effects of the tuition hike on families’ ability to afford the program and the availability of spots for future applicants. It was noted that a waiting list is in place to accommodate changes in affordability for families, and that families chosen from the lottery had been informed about the potential change in tuition during a virtual pre-k orientation.

The increase is significant as it represents a substantial change in the cost of early education for local families. Despite concerns that the increase could deter interest and enrollment, the committee expressed confidence in their ability to fill the 32 available slots. Moreover, those experiencing hardships were encouraged to reach out for further discussion.

The committee also addressed the possibility of expanding the preschool program to accommodate more applicants, which would involve adding more classrooms, teachers, and support staff. This expansion would have implications for the budget and would necessitate additional space in the building. The changes to the cost of the preschool program were unanimously approved by the committee for the next two years.

Another discussion revolved around the accreditation of Middleborough High School. The accreditation process involved deep self-reflection on meeting the five standards set by NEASC. The school’s faculty had identified areas where the standards were met and areas needing improvement. The accreditation team, consisting of educators from New England, spent two days at the high school conducting classroom observations and meeting with focus groups, including department leaders, students, parents, caregivers, teachers, and the executive leadership team. The team commended the school for providing a safe learning environment and implementing the vision of The Graduate, which focuses on individualized student learning and intervention strategies.

However, the accreditation team noted that the school’s written curriculum was inconsistent across courses. They identified priority areas for improvement, such as ensuring equitable opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning, addressing peer-to-peer environments, and providing opportunities for professional growth and development for faculty. Recommendations were made for increasing teacher reflection and collaboration, developing professional learning communities, and ensuring effective curricular coordination. The school is expected to have made substantial progress or completed all recommendations by the time of the accreditation team’s return visit in 2025.

The committee also celebrated the service of a departing member who expressed gratitude to the committee, staff, and the town in a farewell speech. Additionally, the meeting covered administrative matters including the approval of a proposal to amend the salary for long-term certified substitutes, declaring old athletic uniforms surplus, and the approval of the superintendent’s new contract, which included changes to compensation and the addition of a longevity clause.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Mrs. Carolyn Lyons
School Board Officials:
Mr. Richard J. Young, Mr. Ezekiel Lewis, Mr. Christopher Benson, Mrs. Jessica Chartoff, Mr. Allin Frawley, Mrs. Marcy Fregault

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