Middlesex Borough Council Honors Mayor Madden, Hires New Police Officers, and Approves Various Resolutions

The recent Middlesex Borough Council meeting was marked by heartfelt thanks and recognition for Mayor John L. Madden’s service to the community, the hiring of two new probationary police officers, the passage of several resolutions, and ongoing discussions about local issues.

The meeting began with a warm expression of gratitude for Mayor Madden, who was hailed for his dedication during his four-year tenure. Council President Michael Conahan praised Madden’s commitment to a smooth transition to Mayor-elect Mick, emphasizing the rarity of such seamless transitions between mayors. Councilman Douglas Rex, along with other council members, echoed these sentiments, acknowledging Madden’s influence on their own council involvement. Madden was also recognized for his support of borough employees during a critical period of transition after the departure of experienced personnel.

During the meeting, the council passed resolutions 353-2023 and 354-2023, approving the hiring of probationary police officers Brandon Stout and David Wisniski. Both previously served as correctional police officers and will be attending the Cape May County Police Academy for training. Their annual salaries are set at $52,500 and $52,589 respectively.

The council also passed several ordinances, including number 214-23, which allocated $185,000 for the design and permitting associated with the Mountain View Park project. Ordinance number 215-23 authorized the sale of property to the United States Department of the Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, ordinance number 216-23, amending chapter 6 of the municipal code of Middlesex, was adopted.

Among other resolutions approved were those related to shared service agreements, improvements to intersections, tax redemptions, the purchase of firearms for the police department, digitization of archive records, and the acceptance of resignations and approvals for police officer promotions. Resolution 370-2023 acknowledged changes in status for certain properties and senior citizens, disabled persons, and veterans tax deductions for Block 83, Lot 3. Resolution 371-2023 authorized a grant application for the Mountain Avenue and South Avenue improvements project, and Resolution 372-2023 awarded a contract for public relations and design consulting services to Positive Solutions for 2024.

The council addressed ongoing concerns related to flooding, the need for transparency in local governance, and the declining membership in the fire department. Councilman Mikolajczyk emphasized the importance of volunteerism and suggested possible hiring of firefighters if the decline continues. He also acknowledged the high volume of calls received by the fire department, encouraging support for their volunteer efforts.

A point of discussion was emergency work on Heather Lane and Holly Court due to property erosion. Council members discussed the challenges in securing assistance from government agencies, expressing frustration at the lack of support. Mayor Madden and others detailed their efforts to address the environmental emergency and provide aid to the affected residents. He expressed gratitude to borough staff, professionals, governing body members, and public safety departments for their dedication to the community. The meeting concluded with an executive session under Resolution 375-2023, with no action taken.

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