Middlesex Council Debates Budget and Tree Ordinance Amid Community Concerns

The Middlesex Borough Council convened to address a variety of issues, but the budget approval and a debate over the tree ordinance stole the spotlight. The council faced criticism from residents over a 7.5% tax increase and deliberated on the necessity of a fee for tree removal permits on private property.

The meeting commenced with a focus on the borough’s budget, which has been a concern for both council members and residents. A notable 7.5% tax increase was debated, with residents questioning the budget process and the goals set for the Chief Financial Officer and department heads. Council members defended the increase, citing rising costs of uncontrollable expenses such as insurance and utilities. Moreover, they discussed the challenges of balancing the budget while maintaining essential services. The loss of ratables over decades and the need to purchase aging equipment, including street sweepers and vehicles, some nearly 30 years old, were also discussed. Despite concerns, particularly about the potential impact on older Americans, the council voted to adopt the budget.

During the budget discussions, the difference in perspectives between the council and residents became evident. One resident compared the tax hike unfavorably to other towns and expressed frustration over the perceived significant impact on individuals. Council members, in their defense, highlighted the difficulty in controlling economic factors and the prioritization of essential services. The use of surplus funds was also a topic of discussion, with one council member questioning the need for a 75% increase to build up the surplus, recalling a previous ability to accomplish this with a 0% tax increase.

The dialogue on the budget was accompanied by discussions on various ordinances. Key among these was the tree ordinance, which underwent debate. The council considered whether to impose a fee for obtaining a permit to remove trees from private property and whether residents should be required to replant trees or contribute to a tree replenishment fund. The discussion delved into the state’s role in regulating tree removal, the financial implications for residents wanting to make property changes, and comparisons with fees in other towns. The council decided to continue the debate and gather more information before finalizing the ordinance.

In addition to budget and ordinance discussions, the council addressed community events and initiatives. The meeting recognized National Police Week with an awards presentation to honor the dedication of police officers, including the Exceptional Service Award, Unit Citation Award, and Certificate of Accommodation. The mayor reported on various topics, including favorable developments on streetscape and Heather Lane, and the creation of a tree farm by the environmental commission. A Little League field request for painting parking lot lines sparked a debate on the town’s past assistance with similar requests and the property’s ownership, with the council seeking consensus on the matter.

Reports from the police and fire departments featured upcoming events like “Coffee with a Cop” and “Pops with Cops,” as well as recent activities such as a successful drug turn-in and a sock drive for veterans. The Board of Health announced initiatives like a community day and grants for swim lessons. The administrator provided updates on infrastructure projects like the street lights installation, the sale of surplus property, and the Stream Bank wall and soil retention system.

Furthermore, a community member praised the Department of Public Works (DPW) for their efforts, while raising concerns about municipal employees working on private land. The potential hiring of school resource officers (SROs) and the completion of a temporary wall to prevent erosion were also discussed, alongside concerns about the school budget and the attendance of non-local students in Middlesex schools. The council engaged in a discussion about these issues, reflecting varying opinions on the need for a demographic study to ensure accurate school attendance.

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