Millburn Town Planning Board Deliberates on Traffic and Environmental Concerns for New Development

The Millburn Town Planning Board meeting on February 12, 2025, featured discussions on a proposed development by the High Center for Living Judaism, addressing traffic implications, environmental considerations, and compliance with local regulations. The board evaluated the project’s potential impact on nearby intersections, stormwater management, and neighborhood integration, while community members raised questions about safety and visual aesthetics.

2:46:27Traffic analysis emerged as a focal point during the meeting, particularly concerning the intersections of Parsonage Hill Road and Old Short Hills Road. A resident highlighted safety issues stemming from the absence of a traffic light at the junction, citing it as a contributing factor to accidents. A traffic engineer responded, explaining that a traffic light could exacerbate congestion due to the existing roadway geometry, potentially leading to longer queues. Another resident suggested the addition of a third center lane to facilitate turns and provide space for emergency vehicles, which the engineer acknowledged as a potential improvement but noted that a analysis had not been conducted.

The board also scrutinized the methodology used in traffic studies, with inquiries about past traffic counts and their timing outside holiday traffic peaks. While the studies focused on peak hours, the absence of specific Sunday data was justified by the engineers, who argued that these counts provided a sufficient assessment of potential worst-case scenarios.

1:34:06Environmental and visual impacts of the proposed development were also scrutinized. The project’s compliance with conditional use requirements was emphasized, with discussions about the adequacy of buffer zones and the visibility of rooftop mechanical equipment. Concerns were raised about the screening effectiveness of landscaping plans, especially from neighboring properties. The applicant confirmed that mechanical units were strategically placed to minimize visibility but could not provide specific details about how they would be screened from different vantage points.

1:52:03In relation to stormwater management, the meeting addressed the abandonment of a previously proposed closed storm drain plan in favor of swales. An attorney questioned the safety implications of this design, particularly for small children, but the architect deferred the matter to stormwater management experts.

1:16:12The architectural design and materials of the development were also discussed, with board members seeking clarity on the project’s integration into the neighborhood. The applicant noted plans to use Earth Tone colors but was not prepared to commit to specific materials. The board expressed a desire for a more comprehensive understanding of the project’s visual impact, particularly given its proximity to a recognized historic district, although the applicant disputed this designation under local laws.

20:40Public engagement played a role in the meeting, with residents questioning the adequacy of responses to their concerns about the development’s impact. The board emphasized the importance of transparent communication and due process in addressing community concerns.

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