Mount Greylock Regional School Committee Approves Two-Year Superintendent Search Timeline

The Mount Greylock Regional School Committee has decided to embark on a two-year timeline for the superintendent search process. This decision comes amid ongoing discussions on how best to balance the district’s current commitments with the search for a new superintendent.

The committee deliberated on the timing and method for the superintendent search, reflecting on insights gained from the recent retreat and consultations with the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC). Joe, who currently serves as the interim superintendent, expressed his willingness to continue in his role for either one or two years, emphasizing the importance of providing the best candidate pool for the district’s future.

A one-year search process was initially proposed to begin in November, but the idea of a two-year process was also considered. The extended timeline would allow the committee to gather more comprehensive community input through listening tours and better align the district’s goals with prospective candidates. Concerns were raised about the potential for missing out on an ideal candidate who might currently be available, but the overarching sentiment leaned towards thorough planning and community engagement.

The committee discussed the need for a proactive and inclusive community engagement process, suggesting public forums and smaller, informal settings like coffee hours to gather input on what the community seeks in future district leadership. The importance of various outreach methods, including online surveys and personalized engagements, was highlighted to ensure a comprehensive view of public opinion.

Additionally, the committee explored ways to support Joe in his dual role as interim superintendent while managing ongoing projects. The suggestion to appoint an interim assistant superintendent was made to alleviate some of the burdens. The budgetary implications of additional staffing were considered.

The decision to adopt a two-year search timeline was formalized with a motion, which passed unanimously. The committee emphasized the need for a structured plan, to be developed by Joe by the following September, with the intent to begin the search in the fall of 2025. This timeline allows the district one year to prepare before focusing on recruiting a permanent superintendent.

In other discussions, the committee reviewed several technology-related policies recommended by the MASC. These policies, initially presented in December 2023, cover access to digital resources, the use of technology in instruction, acceptable use, and the establishment of a district social media presence. The committee aimed to simplify existing policies and ensure alignment with MASC recommendations.

A proposal to enhance community engagement by setting up a table at school events with a suggestion or feedback box was also discussed. The idea is to facilitate conversations between school committee members and attendees, allowing for direct feedback and interaction.

The meeting also addressed the readiness for the upcoming school year, with discussions on welcoming new staff and the successful hiring process. The interim superintendent reported that all necessary positions had been filled. New hires included various positions across multiple schools, with specific mentions of new teachers and paraprofessionals.

A board member of the nonprofit organization Remedy Hall provided an update on the setup of satellite lockers in the public library and the middle-high school to facilitate access to hygiene and personal care items for students in need. Community contributions were welcomed, with details provided on how to donate supplies.

The committee also introduced the Mount Greylock Eats program, which aims to support students in need by providing healthy snacks throughout the school day. An initial gift of $2,700 from community members will help fund the program, which allows students to access snacks discreetly using their student ID accounts. The anticipated annual cost of the program could reach approximately $99,000, prompting discussions about long-term fundraising efforts.

Further discussions included updates on the formation of a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) advisory committee, which is supported by additional funding from Williams College and the Williamstown select board. The committee recognized the significance of community feedback in securing these funds and expressed gratitude for the support received.

The meeting concluded with updates on the track and field project, which is progressing ahead of schedule and under budget. Community members were reminded to refrain from stepping onto the track during the asphalt curing phase. The project is expected to be completed by the end of fall, with the potential for lacrosse games in the spring.

The next regular school committee meeting is scheduled for September 12th at 6 p.m., with the October meeting rescheduled to October 17th due to a scheduling conflict. Discussions also included adjusting the timing of finance and policy subcommittee meetings to ensure effective participation without causing fatigue.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Jason P. McCandless
School Board Officials:
Christina Conry, Carrie Greene, Steven Miller, Julia Bowen, José Constantine, Curtis Elfenbein, Ursula Maloy

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