New Milford Council Debates Redevelopment of Former ShopRite Site

The New Milford Borough Council’s recent meeting was dominated by a detailed presentation from Crossroads Development concerning the redevelopment of the old ShopRite property on River Road. The focus was on a potential Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) agreement and the project’s implications for the community and affordable housing obligations. Other topics included the introduction of several ordinances related to public improvements, historical preservation, and building and housing permit fees; as well as discussions on community events and committee reports.

Crossroads Development’s proposal to transform the derelict ShopRite site into a luxury rental residential community came under sharp focus. The developers laid out the benefits of a PILOT agreement, suggesting that it would provide aesthetic enhancements, net fiscal gains for the borough, and an economic boost for the surrounding area. The proposal, which seeks to increase the density of the development from 135 to 180 units, was positioned as a contribution to the borough’s affordable housing obligation.

The company’s presentation included a five-step redevelopment process and urged the council to adopt a resolution directing the planning board to investigate if the property qualifies as an area in need of redevelopment. They shared a conceptual plan featuring both commercial and residential spaces, with a commitment to include 20% affordable housing. The council examined details such as parking arrangements, architectural design, landscaping, and the incorporation of the borough’s vision into the project.

A topic of particular interest was the project’s potential impact on the local community. A council member recommended reconfiguring the building layout to enhance visibility and suggest a gradual height increase. Concerns over the need for building generators, the impact of traffic flow on the area, and the effects on the local school system were also raised. The discussion suggested smaller units would likely generate fewer students, while affordable housing units could have a more significant impact.

The architectural design of the buildings drew divergent opinions. Some council members called for a village-like aesthetic and stressed the importance of community input and adherence to the redevelopment plan process. The parking design was scrutinized, with discussions on meeting parking requirements and the possibility of structured parking. The construction timeline was estimated at two years, with a focus on the project’s financial side, including potential tax revenue, rental rates, and comparisons with other local developments.

In addition to the redevelopment discussion, the council introduced an ordinance to amend the New Milford Fire Department’s rules and regulations, which involved the acquisition of new equipment and machinery. Another ordinance aimed to appropriate funds from the capital improvement fund for various borough departments and the office of emergency management.

The council addressed the need to preserve the borough’s history by introducing an ordinance to amend land use regulations, specifically focusing on historical preservation. It included adding a list of historic properties of interest and outlining criteria and guidelines for historic designation. The ordinance also aimed to amend parking regulations, adding designated handicap parking spots on Fon Drive.

Furthermore, the council introduced an ordinance to amend building and housing permit fees, affecting charges for solar installations, various inspections, and heating system installations.

The meeting also served as a platform for announcing community events. Events such as the annual Memorial Day Parade, a senior class car wash, the Milford Hall of Fame dinner and induction ceremony, and a mental health awareness event sponsored by the Milford Municipal Alliance were highlighted.

Committee reports provided updates on various community initiatives. The Mayor’s Wellness Campaign was preparing for a health fair, the Green Team pursued Sustainable Jersey certification, and the Recreation Advisory Committee reported a successful spring sports season. The Board of Health discussed a recent meeting and an upcoming event.

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