New No Phone Policy Introduced at Northern Burlington Schools

The Northern Burlington County School Board meeting saw the introduction of a strict no phone policy, the welcoming of new staff, and discussions on improving transparency and communication with the public.

Superintendent Dr. Andrew Zuckerman opened the meeting by introducing Imani Pierre, the new student council president and representative for the 2024-25 school year. Pierre discussed the significant policy change this year: the implementation of a no phone policy at the high school. “Just picking up our phones for one second can distract us from the lesson at hand,” Pierre said, emphasizing the need for increased focus during extended learning periods. The policy aims to reduce distractions caused by social media and non-educational uses of devices during class. Students are required to keep their phones away unless explicitly permitted by a teacher and must use laptops for smart passes instead of phones. The policy includes escalating consequences for non-compliance, starting with warnings and leading to detentions for repeated offenses. Although students can use their phones during designated periods like study halls and opportunity periods, phone use in homerooms is restricted unless necessary for class activities.

Dr. Zuckerman noted that the middle school maintains a more policy, requiring students to keep their phones in their lockers. He also shared a personal anecdote about a former graduate, Danny Fuller, visiting the school to highlight the lasting impact of the school’s environment on students’ lives. The superintendent thanked the staff for their hard work in preparing for the new school year and discussed the new schedules implemented across both schools. The high school now features a lunch and opportunity period where all students have lunch simultaneously, allowing for a more structured environment and various activities during this time, communicated through Google Classroom and digital display boards.

The meeting also introduced several new staff members. Kelvin Ramirez, the new assistant principal, expressed his enthusiasm for joining the Northern Burlington community, citing his previous experience as an administrator in Philadelphia and Burlington Township. Sandy Cullen, another new assistant principal, shared her long history with Northern Burlington, having spent 20 years as a special education math teacher before transitioning into administration. New Spanish teacher Nicole Armo and high school science teacher Anthony Barka also shared their excitement about joining the school. Jonathan George, an alumnus of Northern Burlington, expressed pride in returning to teach math at his former school.

Time was dedicated to discussing the new middle school schedule, which includes blocks for English Language Arts (ELA) and math to provide students with a continuous instructional experience. This change aims to benefit students by having the same teacher for both subjects. The middle school also underwent significant construction projects, particularly the reorientation of the main office to improve security and efficiency.

Public comments focused on transparency and communication. Christina Drum, a member of the Springfield Township Board of Education, expressed concern about the lack of transparency in the meeting agenda, stating that it would be beneficial for the public to know what is going to be discussed. Drum highlighted her ongoing attendance at these meetings since 2020 and raised an issue regarding the restroom facilities, mentioning that only one sink was operational. Another attendee expressed confusion about the timing of the superintendent’s report publication, leading to a discussion about the timing of information dissemination and the importance of making reports available before meetings to facilitate informed public participation.

The board members engaged in a discussion about their practices concerning report publication. It was mentioned that while the superintendent’s report is reviewed by the board before approval, it would enhance public engagement if summaries or bullet points of the reports were shared ahead of time. One board member reflected, “The more information we can put out, the better for everybody,” indicating a consensus on the need for improved communication. The potential legal implications of releasing certain information were acknowledged, emphasizing the necessity to balance transparency with confidentiality.

The meeting also addressed the installation of vape detectors and the introduction of security monitors to maintain order during arrival and dismissal at the high school. The new opportunity period was highlighted, establishing spaces for students to engage in various activities, including gym sessions, study halls, and other experiences offered by staff. Social media initiatives were discussed to improve communication with students, with a focus on maintaining an Instagram presence to share updates about class schedules and events.

Additionally, an award presentation recognized Dr. Shan Hogs as the Region 4 Outstanding Instructor of the Year. Dr. Hogs attributed the award to the talented students at Northern Burlington, emphasizing that the recognition was a collective achievement rather than an individual one.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Andrew Zuckerman
School Board Officials:
Michael Figgs, Laura Bond, Joseph Bucs, Radiah Gamble, Gerry Spence, Paul Narwid, Cristina Janis, Frank Armenante, Kevin Zimmer

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