Nisswa City Council Faces Criticism Over Master Plan Billing and Fire Relief Pension Exclusion

During the recent Nisswa City Council meeting, tensions surfaced over the downtown master plan and its associated billing discrepancies, along with concerns about the exclusion of EMS personnel from the Fire Relief pension eligibility. In the open forum, a resident voiced apprehension about the lack of detailed receipts related to the downtown master plan, questioning the hours billed by the city administrator and WSN, the project manager. The resident highlighted a disconnect between the committee’s feedback and the concepts presented, also expressing frustration over not receiving an invitation to an upcoming retreat intended to discuss the master plan. A council member acknowledged the issues, confirming that WSN agreed to credit the city for overcharges but admitted detailed fee breakdowns were still pending. The council member assured the resident of efforts to improve communication with the committee and promised further investigation into how their opinions were being conveyed.

24:24Simultaneously, the council addressed a issue brought forth by Diane Townsen regarding the exclusion of EMS personnel from the Fire Relief pension. Townsen recounted her motivations for joining the fire department after a tragic incident and expressed dismay that despite legislation mandating inclusion, EMS personnel were still denied pension eligibility. She urged the council to advocate for reform, emphasizing the critical role EMS personnel play in the community. A council member responded, explaining that the city council lacks jurisdiction over the Fire Relief Association, which operates independently. They advised Townsen to formally request a vote from the relief association’s membership and reach out to Chief Bailey to initiate the process. The council emphasized the need for proper adherence to state law and reiterated their limited influence over the association’s bylaws, while acknowledging the lack of prior communication about the process.

42:49In another significant agenda item, the council accepted a sewer connection agreement with Foxy Properties, which plans to establish a laundromat in the Moxy building. The agreement involved a revised connection fee of $112,000, based on a recalculation of estimated water usage. The council considered the implications of setting a precedent for future agreements, expressing concern over the financial impact on the sewer fund and capital improvement projects. The council debated the high fees, with one member noting the prohibitive costs for new businesses. After discussions reflecting on the historical context of the fees and potential alternative funding mechanisms, the council approved the agreement.

1:02:49Additionally, the council engaged in discussions about a proposed Verizon agreement to conduct survey work at the Firehall site, intended for a potential cell tower. Concerns were raised about the visual impact of a tall structure in downtown Nisswa. One council member preferred a smaller tower footprint. Despite these concerns, the council approved the Right-of-Way Agreement, noting that tower height and location would continue to be addressed through the Planning Commission process.

The meeting also revisited a previous decision by the Planning Commission concerning a property development and the determination of a topographic divide. After extensive discussion, the council decided to have WSN assess the proposed divides to resolve discrepancies, with developer Jethro Carpenter agreeing to cover the costs. The need for accurate evaluations was emphasized, and the motion to proceed with WSN’s proposal was approved.

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