Norwood School Board Approves School Safety Teams, STEM Program, and Special Education Measures for 2023-2024
- Meeting Overview:
The Norwood School Board held a meeting on June 20, 2023, where a number of key decisions were made for the 2023-2024 academic year. The meeting commenced at 6:30 pm with an Executive Session, and the Regular Meeting began at 7:00 pm with Board members Heather Garcia, Kelly Wilson, Jennifer Eisberg, Juliana Lee, Jennifer Mendoza, Sam Park, and Michael Sprague in attendance, along with Superintendent Kevin Ulmer.
Early in the meeting, the members approved both the School Safety Team and School Threat Assessment Team for the upcoming school year. Names such as Richard Scherer, Harold Abraham, Melissa Kelly, Patricia Kim, and Norwood Police Department Chief Krapels were included in these teams.
The meeting also saw the approval of an educational services order agreement with Accelerate Learning Inc. for Middle School STEMscopes Kits materials and a 5-Year Online Platform License at a total amount of $47,432.47, funded with the ESSER III (ARP) Grant.
Special attention was paid to special education students, with a revised Parent Transportation Agreement being approved for a special education student, and an out-of-district placement was approved with the Terranova Group for another student at a cost of $86,520.
Several personnel decisions were made, including appointments for the Finish Line Summer Program, administrative employments for the 2023-2024 school year, stipend positions, and the appointment of Jacqueline Fales as an Elementary Teacher.
In the Finance section of the meeting, monthly disbursements for May 2023 were post-approved, and June 2023 disbursements were approved. The Board approved a proposal with Lupardi’s Nursery, Inc., for Grounds and Landscaping Services and an agreement with Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc., for Dental Benefits Consulting Services.
The Board also recognized that legal expenses exceed 130% of the statewide average and approved the submission of the Certification of Implementation, stating that all 2021-2022 audit Corrective Action Plan items have been addressed or resolved.
In other administrative actions, fire and security drills for June 2023 were approved, along with policies including Employment Contract, Military Leave, and Immunization.
The meeting’s public discussions included Superintendent Mr. Ulmer’s presentation of the 2022-2023 goals, and President Garcia’s statements, including congratulations to the graduating students and acknowledgment of the Superintendent’s evaluations.
Trustee Wilson voiced concern over unfilled positions, and President Garcia discussed the need for strategies to retain current staff.
The meeting was officially adjourned at 9:01 pm.
School Board Officials:
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School Board
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