Perry City Council Discusses Visibility Issues at Stop Signs and Animal Control Concerns

The Perry City Council meeting was marked by discussions on visibility issues at stop signs, concerns over animal control, and various other community matters. The council heard from residents about their grievances, debated the adoption of ordinances, and reviewed the city’s budget and infrastructure projects.

0:00One notable issue discussed was raised by resident Myel Gibon, who expressed concerns about the visibility at stop signs in Perry. Gibon, who was stopped by city officials for allegedly pulling his vehicle slightly over the stop bar at a stop sign, conducted his own investigation and found that many stop signs around town have visibility issues due to obstructions like trees and buildings. He argued that these obstructions could lead to safety concerns if drivers strictly adhered to the stop bar regulations. Gibon stated, “if we were to follow that law there would be many RS many.” The Chief of Police responded by stating that drivers should stop at or behind the stop sign and then proceed slowly until visibility is clear. The Chief assured that the visibility issues would be checked.

Another topic was brought up by Lindy Overstreet, who voiced concerns over an animal control situation involving her elderly mother and aunt. Overstreet explained that her relatives had accumulated a large number of dogs due to financial constraints, leading to an overwhelming situation. She described a dog suffering from a bloated stomach and expressed frustration over the lack of assistance from animal control, stating, “what am I supposed to do sit there and watch him suffer?” Overstreet had contacted animal control, but the promised help had not materialized, leaving her feeling helpless. She also discussed her troubles with local law enforcement, recounting instances where she felt unfairly treated during traffic stops and expressing concerns about perceived misconduct by law enforcement.

The council then moved to discuss ordinance number 1043, which pertains to school zone speed infractions and the adoption of findings for the use of speed detection systems. The council acknowledged the prior completion of speed surveys that had identified specific locations for implementation.

In a related topic, the council discussed resolution 2024-13, which involves authorizing the submission of a grant application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program for the 2025-2026 cycle. A council member raised concerns about the current staffing situation for park maintenance, noting that only one person, referred to as CJ, is handling these responsibilities. The member suggested that additional help might be necessary given the added demands. The conversation also touched on the sport of pickleball, which was not included in the current plans for park renovations, and the potential for renovating existing recreational facilities with grant funding.

36:40The council also discussed various infrastructure and financial management topics. A point of discussion was the city’s liability insurance for the depot, which had been dropped. The council debated the specifics regarding the trusses and the need for an engineered report before proceeding with repairs. Updates on the transition to a new computer system, which was still on track for an October 1 implementation, were provided, along with discussions about the speaker and video systems in the council chamber, ongoing training for new employees, and debris removal efforts by the fire department.

Water quality was another topic of discussion, with the results from the new filters showing low contamination levels. The council also discussed the status of local businesses, particularly those facing delays in opening due to contractor issues and permit problems, and expressed a desire to assist businesses in overcoming these challenges.

55:21A proposal was brought up regarding naming 12th Street after an individual, with the suggestion that the interested party should explain the process for renaming a street to the council. There was also discussion about a grant application for banners along Highway 19, which faced denial, and the need for improved city limit signs that better promote Perry.

In addressing sidewalk safety, a council member shared concerns about the condition of sidewalks, particularly those in front of First Baptist Church, which reportedly posed tripping hazards. It was suggested that the city should conduct a survey to identify unsafe sidewalks for repair. The discussion also touched on the matter of trees and shrubs planted in public right-of-ways, which can obstruct visibility and cause uneven sidewalks due to root growth. The council emphasized the importance of safety in city planning and committed to responding to reports of obstructive vegetation at intersections.

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