Plymouth County Secures Full Allocation of Federal Relief Funds, Enhancing Local Infrastructure

During the recent Plymouth Board of County Commissioners meeting, officials confirmed that Plymouth County successfully allocated all $99 million received from the American Rescue Plan Act. This achievement was highlighted as a collective effort involving various offices and partnerships, and it underscored the county’s efficient use of resources with administrative costs kept remarkably low at around 1%.

The discussion centered on the Plymouth County Opera program’s success as the county completed the allocation of funds to municipalities, including significant disbursements to the towns of Duxbury and Kingston. These funds were part of strategic investments aimed at community development and public health responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the noteworthy projects funded was a transitional housing center in Brockton, which was referenced as a personal highlight by a meeting participant.

Additionally, the commissioners approved an allocation of $498,900 to improve mutual aid communications for Plymouth County’s fire departments. This upgrade involves enhancing communication equipment on 12 repeater towers, which is deemed critical for preparedness in major emergencies such as pandemics and natural disasters. This initiative is part of a broader effort to ensure effective emergency response throughout the county.

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