Sea Bright Board Approves Key Property Developments
- Meeting Overview:
The Sea Bright Planning Board has greenlit property developments, including a notable restaurant expansion by BD Real Estate Adventure LLC and several residential renovations aimed at accommodating family needs and compliance with flood hazard prevention measures.
At the forefront of the meeting’s agenda was the application by BD Real Estate Adventure LLC, which proposed the unification of two properties to establish a single, expanded restaurant space. The detailed presentation by the applicant’s representative, Tony Pandoras, was met with intense scrutiny by the board. The plan involved the amalgamation of two existing restaurants through the addition of a vestibule in the courtyard area. The board grappled with various aspects of the proposal, such as building coverage, bathroom accessibility, and signage. More pressing were the potential future complications due to the ownership and lease arrangements of the properties, which could necessitate further site plan approval should the properties’ use be separated in the future. The presence of a historical plaque on the building also added a layer of complexity to the discussion, raising concerns about its preservation.
Eric Daily, a principal of the applicant BD Real Estate Adventures, provided insights into the proposed operation of the restaurant, detailing hours of operation, the restaurant experience, and the function of the vestibule. Furthermore, Daily addressed the board’s concerns regarding delivery procedures, trash collection, and the lack of an entrance from the courtyard to the Yolks area, clarifying that the bathrooms in the courtyard would be designated for private events. Additionally, the board’s curiosity about music in the courtyard was met with Daily’s admission that no plan for music had been established at that stage.
The board’s attention also turned to residential applications, where multiple properties sought variances for renovations and additions that presented a range of challenges. One application focused on a property at seven Atlantic Way in the R2 Zone, where the applicant aimed to construct an addition to an existing two-story single-family residence and partially enclose an open garage area for storage. The variance approval was sought to accommodate the Goldens family’s growing needs. The board’s concerns included the impact of the proposed construction on the property and surrounding area, existing and new variances, and the improved parking situation. The proposed construction would involve raising the house to meet FEMA requirements and the borough’s flood hazard prevention ordinance. The application was eventually approved with conditions, including providing a door from the garage to the open space below the deck and revising the architectural plan to eliminate an outdoor stair from the deck.
Furthermore, the board discussed a proposal for a property with existing non-conformities, which sought to add a half story and a TV room. The proposed height and the number of stories were contentious points, as were the parking arrangements and the need for a waiver or variance related to setback requirements. The professional planner provided perspective on the challenges of working with undersized lots and the varying heights of neighboring properties.
Another variance application for a property on Atlantic Way brought forth concerns from neighbors about potential shadow casting by the proposed three-story addition.
Aside from property developments, the board engaged in discussions about the preservation of a stone wall within the town, proposing that the town be given the first right to the wall should someone seek to remove it. This led to a broader conversation on the historical dedication process.
The board also faced issues concerning a music venue that had exceeded its 10:00 PM curfew, raising concerns about noise levels and compliance with regulations. The prospect of allowing music to continue at the venue was debated, with an emphasis on ensuring adherence to rules.
Brian P. Kelly
Planning Board Officials:
Frank Lawrence, Erwin Bieber, C. Lance Cunningham, Stephen Cashmore, Marc A. Leckstein, Elizabeth DeGiulio, David DeSio, Peggy Bills, Jon Schwartz, Mark Zelina, Candace B. Mitchell (Board Secretary), Benjamin A. Montenegro, Esq. (Board Attorney), David J. Hoder, P.E., P.P. (Board Engineer), Jennifer Beahm, P.P. AICP (Board Planner)
Meeting Type:
Planning Board
Meeting Date:
Recording Published:
110 Minutes
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