Stanhope School Board Explores New Survey Platform for School Climate and Culture

The recent Stanhope School Board meeting covered a range of topics, from the implementation of a new survey platform for evaluating school climate and culture to discussions on ethics training and school safety measures. The board also reviewed progress on various construction projects and addressed staff and curriculum updates.

A significant portion of the meeting was devoted to the implementation of a new platform designed to survey students, staff, parents, and community members regarding school climate and culture. This initiative, supported by the New Jersey Department of Education, aims to identify issues within the school environment and develop actionable plans based on the gathered insights. One participant highlighted the importance of understanding the community’s aspirations for the district, expressing enthusiasm for the program due to its cost-free nature. The board reached a consensus on pursuing the goal as written.

Following this, the recognition of an eighth-grade student who nominated Mrs. Leslie Salmon, the occupational therapist, for the “We Are VRS” award was another topic of discussion. The board showed enthusiasm for this initiative, which acknowledges staff contributions. The student’s nomination was brief yet impactful, stating, “She is an awesome teacher and she always makes me feel special.” The board echoed this sentiment, and the applause from attendees underscored the appreciation for Mrs. Salmon’s dedication.

The meeting also included an extensive discussion on the ethical guidelines and responsibilities of board members, particularly concerning collective bargaining and volunteer activities in schools. New guidance introduced in May 2023 requires that a conflicted board president abstains from negotiations and finance committee activities, with responsibilities shifting to the vice president. Full disclosure when consulting with the board attorney was emphasized to ensure sound legal advice.

Concerns were raised about board members volunteering in schools, particularly regarding their degree of involvement. It was advised that board members limit their presence in schools and avoid handling money or giving directives during their volunteer activities. Board members were also cautioned to base their voting decisions on data rather than personal feelings or interactions, avoiding judgments that could undermine the board’s integrity.

Social media usage by board members was another focal point. While First Amendment rights remain intact, it was suggested that board members include disclaimers in their posts, clarifying that they are speaking solely as private citizens. This helps mitigate any perception that board members are speaking on behalf of the board. Additionally, board members were advised to remove campaign-related social media accounts after their campaigns concluded to avoid confusion about their current roles.

Transitioning to district and board goals, the importance of setting these goals annually was affirmed, as they serve as a foundation for various administrative processes like the Chief School Administrator (CSA) evaluation and policy development. The previous year’s goals and their progress were reviewed, noting that the implementation of a referendum was nearly complete, with HVAC systems expected to be operational by the start of the school year. Renovation projects for the science classroom had been postponed to the following summer.

There was also a proposal to focus on three primary goals moving forward: the search for a business administrator, a goal aligned with student achievement, and the certification of board members. Continuous improvement, especially with new board members frequently joining, was emphasized. The board agreed to maintain a focus on student achievement and support ongoing middle school initiatives.

Safety measures were another topic. Discussions around reinforcing classroom security, particularly related to active shooter drills, were brought up. Although improvements such as installing new doors were made, there was a push for a broader focus on enhancing security protocols. The board had been proactive in installing alarms on exterior doors and a panic alarm system, emphasizing the importance of effectively locking classroom doors during emergencies.

The status of new boilers and a water heater was also discussed, showing significant improvements to the facilities.

Staffing updates included the search for a paraprofessional, with interviews planned to fill a position, and a substitute arranged to start the school year. The importance of easing student anxieties before the school year was underscored, with an ice cream social planned to help students acclimate. The preschool orientation was well-attended and praised for its organization.

The policy and communications meeting conducted in August addressed several policy updates. Changes included adjustments to the board member number and term policy, the abolition of a policy related to virtual meetings, and updates to curriculum content policies. Attention was given to physical examination requirements for new staff, including tuberculosis testing, and the attendance policy now allows for civic event absences for students without affecting their chronic absenteeism records.

In closing, the board discussed the importance of maintaining clear communication to control narratives around regionalization. They also explored potential community events and fundraising opportunities.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Mr. Steven Hagemann
School Board Officials:
Mrs. Mattia Scharfstein, Mr. Gil Moscatello, Mrs. Jennifer Herold, Mr. Carmen Pico, Mr. Thomas Valle, Mr. Matthew Vilardo, Mr. Yacoub Yaghnam

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