Summit City Council Appoints New Member Amid Community Concerns Over Affordable Housing and Homelessness

The Summit City Council appointed Mike McAn as a new council member during a recent meeting, where discussions also focused on affordable housing, homelessness, and community safety.

39:18Mike McAn, a former councilman, was appointed to fill the vacancy left by Councilwoman Lisa Allen’s resignation. The council unanimously approved McAn’s appointment, and he was sworn in during the meeting. McAn pledged to support the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Jersey, promising to perform his duties impartially and justly. His appointment was met with enthusiasm from the council, who cited his leadership and mentorship qualities as assets to the community.

57:40Adjustmentsttention was given to homelessness in Summit, with Leah Griffith detailing the efforts of the mayor’s task force. The task force, which includes representatives from the police and fire departments, local foundations, business owners, and other community members, aims to address the needs of the unhoused population. Griffith emphasized that the unhoused individuals in Summit primarily consist of those who have faced trauma and mental health issues. She reported that the Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad had responded to over 280 calls related to unhoused individuals in the first eight months of the year, highlighting the strain on emergency services.

The task force has adopted a case management approach to connect individuals with appropriate resources and has increased outreach sessions at the train station. Griffith urged residents not to give money directly to unhoused individuals. She also emphasized the importance of community engagement and awareness, asking for patience and communication regarding any observed issues.

39:18Public comments during the meeting revealed deep concerns about affordable housing. Nancy Holm, the city’s affordable housing attorney, provided an update on local affordable housing efforts. Holm noted the deadline imposed by recent amendments to the Fair Housing Act, requiring the city to report on trust fund and unit monitoring to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). She commended the work of the city’s Municipal Housing Liaison and Administrative Agent for their efforts to input extensive data into the new DCA database within a tight timeline. Holm reported that the city has satisfied its realistic development potential of 36 units but still faces an unmet need of 702 units due to land constraints. The city has implemented six overlay zones to facilitate redevelopment in appropriate areas and has a settlement agreement with Fair Share Housing Center, necessitating the construction of 50 new affordable units. Currently, 32 of these units are either approved or in the planning stages.

57:40Leah Griffith also addressed the homelessness issue, noting ongoing efforts to provide housing for the unhoused population by November 15th. She detailed the task force’s collaborative efforts with local organizations and law enforcement, urging residents to call for assistance rather than giving money directly to unhoused individuals. Public comments further highlighted community concerns, with one resident raising issues about hedge funds purchasing single-family homes in Summit and turning them into overpriced rentals. They advocated for protective measures to prevent this trend and proposed that developers include affordable housing units whenever they build multiple units.

1:49:26Public comments also touched on transparency and governance issues, with some residents expressing dissatisfaction with the council’s handling of recent staff turnover and budgetary decisions. Concerns were raised about the lack of transparency surrounding staff changes, with one resident suggesting the formation of a search committee involving residents and city staff to ensure transparency in the decision-making process.

57:40In addition to homelessness and affordable housing, the council discussed various ordinances and resolutions. One ordinance aimed to amend the fee structure for licenses associated with electronic amusement games. Another resolution concerned a consulting services agreement with 6th Avenue Consulting, extending the contract of the interim City Administrator for an additional two months at a monthly rate of $122,000.

1:16:56A significant resolution related to affordable housing proposed a structured process for developers wishing to include affordable housing projects in Summit. This resolution aimed to ensure uniformity and transparency in how affordable housing projects are processed and was positioned as a response to the city’s obligations regarding affordable housing.

The council president encouraged transparency and communication with residents regarding the council’s decisions and processes.

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