Teaneck Council Debates Pedestrian Safety and Infrastructure

In the latest Teaneck Town Council meeting, various community members voiced their concerns, with a strong focus on pedestrian safety, infrastructure improvements, and the swearing-in of new Township Manager Jacqueline Hashmat. Notably, the meeting addressed the potential development of pocket parks, plans for the improvement of Sagamore Park, and updates on numerous infrastructure projects.

One notable topics discussed was the proposal to include pedestrian safety within the 2023-2024 Council subcommittees. The resolution sparked a debate about committee representation and the potential involvement of other groups in addressing pedestrian and traffic safety. During the public comment section, residents raised concerns about parking enforcement, illegal parking, and traffic safety on specific roads. The debate included discussions on the enforcement of parking regulations and the need for increased police presence to address traffic violations.

In addition to pedestrian safety, the council focused on various park improvements, including the installation of splash pads and mulch replacement, movies in the park, and senior classes for non-retired individuals over the age of 50. The Parks, Playgrounds, and Recreation Board (PPRB) also discussed the unanimous vote to authorize the manager to begin environmental and engineering studies for Sagamore Park using funds from the Open Space Trust Fund.

The council members expressed their appreciation for the new Township Manager, Jacqueline Hashmat, who was sworn in by Borough Administrator Steve Lako. The introduction of Hashmat was met with praise from council members and officials for her competence and dedication to public service.

Infrastructure projects were a point of discussion, with updates provided on the library renovation, tennis court lights, restroom buildings at Vote Park, the Bella drainage project, Perik Park, and stormwater mapping. The beginning of concrete work for road resurfacing and the completion of four streets for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) road improvements were also noted.

The meeting addressed the township’s progress on projects funded by grants, such as the Argonne tennis courts and Phelps Park splash pad. The council discussed ongoing reviews of the town’s website and the cancellation of empathy training, with plans for an open discussion about next steps. Updates on infrastructure projects, such as four-way stops, ADA ramps, and street sign repairs, were also provided.

The council offered a detailed overview of the 2024 Municipal budget revisions, which included the sale of a cell phone tower and its impact on the tax rate. The town attorney discussed ordinances related to affordable housing and stormwater control, addressing the need for compensations for fractional units and revisions required by state law.

Residents discussed issues ranging from the roaming of chickens in residential areas to the conditions of local roads. Concerns about public safety, traffic, and the impact of Coach USA’s bankruptcy on bus services were also raised. Moreover, the placement of signage for traffic safety measures was brought into question by a resident, emphasizing the need for action.

Political stances and community relations were topics of heated discussion. Comments regarding a councilman’s remarks on the situation in Palestine led to outrage, with calls for a condemnation of the alleged “dehumanization of Palestinians.” Additionally, the support for the continuation of Zoom meetings was voiced.

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