Temple Terrace Council Plans Investments in City Infrastructure

The most recent meeting of the Temple Terrace City Council featured a discussion on significant capital investments aimed at enhancing public safety, infrastructure, and community facilities. The council’s agenda covered various topics, including the implementation of a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with an estimated cost of $2 million, various proposed facility renovations, and upgrades across city locations, and a substantial focus on equipment acquisitions for the police and fire departments, as well as leisure services.

Notably, the council considered a plan for the police department to acquire six new SUVs, five F-150 pickup trucks, and new radios for officers, totaling over $1.2 million. The move to SUVs was explained as a safety measure and to align with the sheriff’s office’s fleet decisions. There were talks on potential funding opportunities for the radios, including through Homeland Security, and the possible income from the disposal of old assets. Additionally, funds from the unassigned fund balance were earmarked for the conceptual design of the Public Safety complex and driver license readers, while the replacement of vehicle printers in patrol cruisers was also discussed.

The fire department’s capital investments were addressed with CIT funds allocated for a range of projects, such as a range stove, staircase replacement, and improvements to the Emergency Operations Center to ensure a comfortable environment during extended operations. Furthermore, the council discussed the grant match budget for Emergency Medical Services and modifications to the school district’s electrical panel for enhancing the backup EOC’s functionality.

The council also focused on a significant expenditure for an ERP system, which was emphasized as a crucial investment due to the outdated nature of the current system. This system impacts various aspects of the city’s operations and would require substantial time and resources. The potential inclusion of records management within the ERP system was examined, with differing opinions on the capabilities and compatibility of various ERP solutions. There was debate on the ongoing subscription costs and the need for phasing in different modules.

The council addressed the need for equipment upgrades and facility improvements. The acquisition of an incline mower for $18,000 was seen as a cost-effective and safer alternative to contracting out the maintenance of steep retention ponds. Plans for the replacement of a heavy-duty pickup truck and the purchase of two riding mowers for the leisure services department were also on the agenda. Facility upgrades were discussed, with a focus on enhancing the utility billing office in City Hall and installing storm shutters on the Public Works building for $165,000. Technological upgrades, such as a new phone system, a backup storage device for servers, and a vizart tricaster for improving meeting broadcasts, were considered. Concerns were raised about the new phone system’s reliance on online platforms and the potential issues during a storm.

The council also contemplated a variety of renovations and improvements across different city facilities. These included a proposal to spend $100,000 on renovating the public restrooms at the library, $75,000 to replace the library’s carpeting, and $660,000 for flooring in the main area. At the Family Rec Center, proposed upgrades included a new fence, roof replacement, and a building refresh. Additionally, there were plans to address the impact of the Family Rec Center being built on a landfill, with a proposed $750,000 spent on service road paving due to the landfill’s effect on the road’s condition. The council discussed improvements at various parks, including roof replacement, playground fall zone replacement, equipment replacement, and increased lighting. The necessity of spending $166,000 on pool thermal blankets was questioned, and there was a debate on the need to renovate the big slide’s exterior and acquire new maintenance equipment, such as two riding mowers for $115,000 each.

Furthermore, the council debated the adequacy of the unassigned fund balance in the event of emergencies, particularly the costs of major storm cleanup, and whether the current balance of $12 million was sufficient. The funding for street paving was discussed, with an increase in costs and the need to maintain a reasonable replacement cycle for streets. Detailed information on the city’s street mileage and expected repaving cycle was requested.

Discussions on the budget process highlighted the need to match the budget with county fees and avoid significant rate hikes by making smaller adjustments. The importance of reflecting council goals and strategic planning in the budget was emphasized, as was the need for a long-term view, particularly in sanitation and water infrastructure. Efforts to increase revenue by adding new clients were explored, and the council discussed creating a vision document for Riverside Park to attract potential developers for the remaining lot in the area.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Andy Ross
City Council Officials:
Meredith Abel, James Chambers, Gil Schisler, Alison Fernandez

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