Tequesta Board Reviews Infrastructure Projects and Ordinance Changes Amidst Community Concerns

The Tequesta Planning and Zoning Board meeting focused on significant infrastructure updates, including road improvements and park developments, alongside discussions on construction noise ordinances and aesthetic changes to local buildings. Key topics included the undergrounding of utilities, enhancements at Remembrance Park, and modifications to construction hours.

0:00A primary highlight of the meeting was the comprehensive update on various infrastructure projects by Doug Chambers, Public Works Director. Chambers provided an in-depth look at the progress and financial considerations of ongoing projects, notably the detailed work undertaken on the Country Club Community roads. This involved addressing significant deterioration due to a combination of factors, including past sanitary sewer installations. The project highlighted the careful planning required, involving core sampling and televising techniques to inspect the sanitary pipes. Chambers emphasized the importance of preventing water accumulation at road edges, which can lead to further degradation. He discussed the addition of concrete curbs as a preventive measure.

14:51Another focal point was the El Portal Drive improvements, where substantial efforts were made to enhance the roadway, including milling and paving, alongside the installation of grassy swales for effective water runoff. This project, which cost approximately $42,328, was part of a larger initiative nearing one million dollars. Chambers underscored the critical responsibility of homeowners in maintaining right-of-way areas, which house essential infrastructure like power lines and water systems. The board reiterated the necessity for permits from the Public Works and Utilities Department for any work in these zones.

Attention also centered on Remembrance Park, with nearly $200,000 allocated towards its development. The project faced unexpected challenges, such as the removal of over 250 truckloads of sugar sand. Plans to connect the park to Riverside Drive were mentioned.

The meeting also covered enhancements at Tequesta Park, where accessibility improvements were made to the pickleball and tennis courts. The board discussed the ongoing sidewalk replacement initiative, focusing on compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This project aimed to ensure sidewalks meet the required width.

28:15In a separate discussion, the board addressed the plans of Florida Power and Light (FPL) to underground power lines for over 600 homeowners in areas like Country Club and Seabrook. The complexities of this undertaking were noted, including the coordination needed for easement agreements and the challenge of removing communication cables from poles. The board highlighted the community’s positive reception to FPL’s pilot program, which offers undergrounding services at no cost to residents.

The meeting also tackled the aesthetics of a local building’s color scheme, with a proposal from Sha Properties Inc. to update its exterior paint. The board considered the compatibility of the proposed colors with surrounding buildings, ultimately approving the new scheme.

43:33Finally, the board deliberated on Ordinance 1-25, which proposed changes to construction hours. The ordinance aimed to amend permissible hours on Saturdays, reducing the time frame to mitigate noise disturbances. The discussion included potential impacts on residents seeking rest on weekends and addressed the need for gender-neutral language in the ordinance text. The board unanimously approved the ordinance.

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