Townsend Select Board Approves Grant Request for Economic Initiatives and Adjusts Key Budget Articles
- Meeting Overview:
The Townsend Select Board approved a grant request to the Department of Transportation Authority for economic development support and addressed several budget-related articles during their recent meeting. The board also dealt with appointments and a significant resignation, emphasizing the need for community volunteers in local governance.
0:00The highlight of the Townsend Select Board meeting was the approval of a grant request to the Department of Transportation Authority. The board, with support from the Planning Board, aimed to secure technical assistance for economic development initiatives. The grant proposal, addressed to Karen Chapman at the Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission, sought help in areas such as bylaw language, public outreach, strategies for affordable housing, and community engagement. The board voted unanimously to sign and send the letter.
19:35Another topic was the board’s decision to revise Article 15, which involves the funding for an alternate Building Commissioner. After discussions with the finance committee, it was decided to reduce the proposed amount from $5,000 to $2,500. The board reached this agreement after reviewing past financial questions and determining the new allocation was sufficient.
In addition to budget discussions, the board debated the language of Article 14. There was a divergence of opinions on whether to use the phrase “indefinitely postpone” or “take no action,” with the latter being favored for clarity. The rationale was that the property involved had already been conveyed to Fish and Wildlife, making the town incapable of selling it. The board emphasized the importance of explaining this decision to residents should inquiries arise, highlighting transparency in governance.
The board also discussed Article 2, which is important for community projects as it involves grant funding. The potential loss of these grants, should the motion fail, was a concern, emphasizing the article’s importance.
In personnel matters, the board reviewed a resignation from a member of the Affordable Housing Trust and the Capital Planning Committee, Veronica, who stepped down from her role as an at-large member. This development necessitated the Select Board to post for a new appointment. Additionally, the town clerk’s retirement notice, effective April 27, 2025, was presented. This upcoming vacancy will need to be filled in time for the election, with discussions on appointing an interim town clerk until a new clerk begins their term.
The board emphasized the need for volunteers and expertise in local governance.
The board scheduled a joint meeting with the finance committee for January 30 at 6 PM. Clarification on the protocol for joint meetings was provided, noting the possibility of posting a single joint agenda if the boards convene solely for a specific topic.
As the meeting concluded, the board moved to sign payroll and bills payable warrants out of session, ending the gathering with a unanimous roll call vote. The meeting adjourned without objections, closing the session on a cooperative note.
Eric Slagle
City Council Officials:
Charles Sexton-Diranian, Joseph Shank, Theresa Morse
Meeting Type:
City Council
Meeting Date:
Recording Published:
37 Minutes
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