Voorhees Township Adopts Resolution Recognizing International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Definition of Anti-Semitism

During the Voorhees Town Council meeting on December 9, 2024, a resolution was adopted, recognizing the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism. This move aligns the township with broader efforts to combat anti-Semitism and shows solidarity with the Jewish community. The resolution was supported by local advocates, including a resident who has been working to promote similar resolutions across South Jersey, and a state senator who is attempting to advance the measure at the state level.

The resolution defines anti-Semitism and provides contemporary examples of its manifestations in public life, emphasizing that criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as anti-Semitic. The adoption of this resolution was praised by representatives of the Jewish community, who attended the meeting to express gratitude for the township’s support in combating hate and anti-Semitism. The executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council highlighted the importance of such measures in fostering an environment of support and safety for Jewish residents.

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