Watchung Hills School Board Discusses 2024-2025 Budget Challenges

The Watchung Hills School Board recently convened to discuss the intricacies of the 2024-2025 school district budget, highlighting financial challenges and the impact on taxpayers. A notable increase in the tax levy, improvements in state aid, and various educational advancements were topics.

They detailed the challenges of rising health care costs, ongoing union negotiations, declining enrollment, and increased costs for technology, transportation, and special education. In response to these financial pressures, the district is tapping into a health benefits waiver to exceed the 2% tax cap, raising the tax levy by 2.8%. The rationale behind this was addressed, with an explanation that it would accommodate potential tuition cost increases through a tuition reserve.

The state’s funding formula, which considers the township’s wealth via housing and income, was illuminated as the district is set to receive over $3 million in aid, including Debt Service Aid. The operating budget will utilize less surplus than in the past due to the completion of the track project. Additionally, tuition has risen by 12%, and there’s a focus on the high costs associated with services for students with special needs. The budget also reflects a decrease in staff numbers correlating with the drop in enrollment, with about 9 to 10 staff members reduced over the past five or six years.

The board members inquired about specific budget items, such as the transfer of tuition reserves to the general fund and the implications of approving the tentative budget. However, during the public comment period specifically dedicated to the budget, no comments were made.

Dr. Jwi and Mr. Sty also discussed the inclusion of the Empower program and the expansion of girls’ athletics programs in the budget. They emphasized ongoing efforts to upgrade classroom furniture, continue the one-to-one Chromebook Initiative, and maintain mental health services using Esser funds. They highlighted the need for new press boxes for the baseball and softball varsity fields and detailed the capital budget needs, including HVAC unit replacements and security enhancements. Furthermore, they shared the positive news that the categorical state aid was fully funded for the first time in a long time, amounting to approximately $2.5 million.

Beyond the budget, the board reviewed the success of the eighth-grade orientation and the parent-teacher organization (PTO) event for eighth-grade parents. The administration received praise for their role in creating positive experiences for the students. The board approved the tentative budget, and no further board correspondents were noted. Dr. Jwi commented on the positive turnout for the eighth-grade orientation event.

Updates on the progress of teacher agreements and ongoing construction projects were addressed. Focus was directed toward the developments in the nurses’ room, trainers’ room, and locker room, with upcoming projects for the steam lab, ceramics room, and photo lab. Concerns about potential delays in the upcoming track project were raised, emphasizing the need for clear communication regarding any issues.

Student achievements were also a focus, with accolades for the math team, Cyber America competition winners, the future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) participants, and a volunteer’s recognition. Accomplishments in Chinese cultural studies, Girl State, Boy State, sportsmanship awards, and athletic events were highlighted.

A forthcoming shared services and regionalization feasibility study, funded by the state of New Jersey, will be conducted by a team from Rowan University. It aims to analyze educational programs, provide demographic analysis for future enrollment, and evaluate budget challenges.

During the public comment session, a member addressed previous comments made regarding the send-receive agreement between Greenbrook and Watchung Hills. The member stated that Greenbrook contributes significantly, both financially and in student population, to Watchung Hills and rebutted claims made at the previous meeting and on social media as being personally and politically motivated to disseminate misinformation and create ill will.

Note: This meeting summary was generated by AI, which can occasionally misspell names, misattribute actions, and state inaccuracies. This summary is intended to be a starting point and you should review the meeting record linked above before acting on anything you read. If we got something wrong, let us know. We’re working every day to improve our process in pursuit of universal local government transparency.
Elizabeth C. Jewett
School Board Officials:
Michael Birnberg, Daniel Gallic, Lisa DiMaggio, William Mayerchak, Robert Morrison, Heather Trumpore, Catherine Leigh, Susan Ober, Carol Prasa, Janine Potter

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